Elasticity | VantageCloud Enterprise - Elasticity - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise

Teradata Vantage
Release Number
October 2024
Product Category
Teradata Vantage
The availability of elasticity features depends on the VantageCloud Enterprise pricing model and the Cloud Service Provider. Refer to the applicable Cloud Service Description - Knowledge Article KB0047025.
Elasticity Feature Description
Vantage Stop/Start

(Vantage Console)

  • Stop and restart VantageCloud Enterprise instances without affecting persistent storage (subject to the cloud infrastructure availability).
  • Stop/Start pauses or resumes the rate of TCore-Hour consumption when the VantageCloud Enterprise instance is stopped or restarted.
  • Available for Flexible Capacity compute pricing option only.
  • Queries that are running when the VantageCloud Enterprise instance is stopped are not automatically resumed. You must restart the queries after the VantageCloud Enterprise instance restarts.
Vantage Scale Out/In
  • Change the number of Analytics Database nodes affecting persistent storage (subject to the cloud infrastructure availability).
  • Scale Out/In increases or decreases the rate of TCore-Hour/Unit consumption based on the number and size of the instances being added or removed to the VantageCloud Enterprise system.
  • Available for Blended Pricing Model (Fixed Capacity and Flexible Capacity compute pricing options) and Unit Consumption Pricing Model only.

    Submit a Change Request to request scaling for systems with the Unit Consumption Pricing compute model.

  • Scale Out/In operations result in the VantageCloud Enterprise instances to restart during which time you cannot submit queries and must restart any running queries.
Vantage Scale Up/Down
  • Change Analytics Database node instance sizes without affecting persistent storage (subject to the cloud infrastructure availability).
  • Scale Up/Down increases or decreases the rate of TCore-Hour/Unit consumption.
  • Available for Blended Pricing Model (Fixed Capacity and Flexible Capacity compute pricing options) and Unit Consumption Pricing Model only.

    Submit a Change Request to request scaling for systems with the Unit Consumption Pricing compute model.

  • Scale Up/Down operations result in the VantageCloud Enterprise instances being restarted during which time you cannot submit queries and must restart any running queries.
Primary Cluster Scale Up/Down Change the instance size of Primary Cluster instance by up to 2 sizes up or down from the baseline configuration.
Elastic Performance on Demand (EPOD)

(Teradata Viewpoint)

Add additional VantageCloud Enterprise compute capacity without any downtime. EPOD capacity up to the baseline VantageCloud Enterprise system size is possible.

Available for the Blended Pricing Model only.
Block Storage Expansion
Expand block storage after deployment at the system level using a new order.
  • Block Storage Expansion operations result in the VantageCloud Enterprise system being restarted during which time you cannot submit queries and restart any running queries.
  • Block Storage Expansion is a one-way operation. Once increased, you cannot reduce block storage capacity. You can increase Block Storage capacity associated with your Primary Cluster.
The increments vary by cloud platform:
  • For AWS, expand storage after deployment in 1 TB increments (raw) at the system level.
  • For Azure, expand storage after deployment in 1 TiB increments (raw) at the node level.
  • For Google Cloud, expand storage after deployment in 1 TB CDS increments at the system level.