Attribution Function | Teradata Vantage - Attribution - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

The Attribution function is used in web page analysis, where companies assign weights to pages before certain events, such as buying a product.

The function takes data and parameters from multiple tables and outputs attributions.

Analytics Database Attribution function corresponds to the multiple-input version. Unlike Attribution_MLE, Attribution does not support Unicode.

Attribution refers to the process of assigning credit or responsibility to a specific event or entity that contributes to an outcome of interest. For example, in finance, attribution analysis is used to understand the performance of investment portfolios and to identify the sources of returns. In cybersecurity, attribution is the process of identifying the source of a cyber attack or incident. In machine learning and artificial intelligence, attribution refers to the process of understanding which features or inputs in a model are most responsible for its output. This is useful for interpreting and debugging models. Overall, attribution is a fundamental concept in many different fields that helps organizations understand the factors that contribute to outcomes and make better decisions.

Specifically, the Attribution function is used for web page analysis, which refers to the process of assigning value or credit to different pages on a website for specific actions taken by visitors, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. The goal of attribution is to identify the most effective pages or content on a website that contribute to achieving business goals. By assigning weights or credit to different pages, organizations can optimize their website by improving or eliminating underperforming pages and investing more resources into the most effective ones. Attribution can be done using various methods, including rule-based attribution and data-driven attribution.

For example, an online store wants to determine the effectiveness of their marketing channels in driving sales. An attribution algorithm is assigned to credit each marketing channel based on its contribution to sales. To do this, the algorithm might analyze customer journeys and the various touchpoints they had before making a purchase. Touchpoints could include seeing an ad on social media, clicking on a link in an email, or doing a search.

The algorithm might use a probabilistic model, such as a Markov chain, to estimate the probability that each touchpoint led to a sale. It might find that customers who clicked on an email link were 3 times more likely to make a purchase than those who saw a social media ad.

Based on these probabilities, the algorithm would assign weights or credits to each touchpoint. In this example, the email link touchpoint would receive a higher weight than the social media ad touchpoint, because it had a higher estimated probability of contributing to a sale.

Once the algorithm has assigned credits to each touchpoint, the store can use this information to optimize their marketing efforts. They might decide to invest more in email marketing since it has been shown to be more effective in driving sales than social media advertising.

The attribution algorithm provides organizations with data-driven insights into the effectiveness of their marketing channels, allowing them to make informed decisions about how to allocate their marketing budget for maximum impact.