install_lib | Manage files and libs in User Environment | OpenAF - install_lib - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Use the install_lib function to install Python or R libraries in remote user environment.

Teradata recommends using this function for first time package installation within the environment.

Version specified during the installation of R libraries is not taken into consideration. The versions specified in the parameters are only considered when update_lib() is used.

Optional Arguments

Either libs or libs_file_path argument must be specified.
Specifies the add-on library name or names.
Specifies the absolute or relative path of the text file (including file name) which supplies a list of libraries to be installed in remote user environment.
The path specified must include the filename with extension.
The file must contain library names of the libraries, and version number is optional.
This file format must adhere to the specification of the requirements file used by underlying language's package manager for installing libraries.
The file must have a ".txt" extension for Python environment. Sample text file contents for Python:
The file must have a ".txt" or ".json" extension for R environment. Sample json file contents for R:
    "cran_packages": [{
        "name": "anytime",
        "version": ""
    }, {
        "name": "glm2",
        "version": ""

**kwargs: Specifies the keyword arguments.

Specifies whether to install the library in remote user environment synchronously or asynchronously.
When set to True, libraries are installed asynchronously. Otherwise, libraries are installed synchronously.
Default value is False.
Do not use remove_env() on the same environment till the asynchronous call is complete.
Specifies the time to wait in seconds for installing the libraries.

If the library is not installed within timeout seconds, the function returns a 'claim_id' and you can check the status using the 'claim_id'.

If timeout is not specified, then there is no limit on the wait time.
This argument is ignored when argument asynchronous is True.
The return of this function depends on whether libraries are installed asynchronously:
  • If libraries are installed synchronously, it returns a pandas DataFrame.
  • If libraries are installed asynchronously, it returns a string type 'claim_id' to track status.

Examples for Python environment

Example Prerequisite

Create remote user environment for the following examples 1-6.

>>> env = create_env('testenv', 'python_3.7.9', 'Test environment')
User environment env created.

Example 1: Install single Python library asynchronously

  • Install Python library 'numpy'.
    >>> env.install_lib('numpy', asynchronous=True)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
    Check the status using status() with the claim id '4b062b0e-6e9f-4996-b92b-5b20ac23b0f9'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('4b062b0e-6e9f-4996-b92b-5b20ac23b0f9')
                                   Claim Id File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  4b062b0e-6e9f-4996-b92b-5b20ac23b0f9     numpy  install_lib   Started  2022-07-13T11:07:34Z               None
    1  4b062b0e-6e9f-4996-b92b-5b20ac23b0f9     numpy  install_lib  Finished  2022-07-13T11:07:35Z               None
  • Verify if libraries are installed.
    >>> env.libs
          library  version
    0       numpy  1.21.6
    1         pip  20.1.1
    2  setuptools  47.1.0

Example 2: Install libraries asynchronously by passing a list of library names

  • Install Python libraries as a list of library names.
    >>> env.install_lib(["pandas",
                          "nltk>=3.3,<3.5"], asynchronous=True)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
    Check the status using status() with the claim id '90aae7df-5efe-4b5a-af26-150aab35f1fb'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('90aae7df-5efe-4b5a-af26-150aab35f1fb')
                                   Claim Id                                                           File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  90aae7df-5efe-4b5a-af26-150aab35f1fb pandas, joblib==0.13.2, scikit-learn, numpy>=1.17.1, nltk>=3.3,<3.5  install_lib   Started  2022-07-13T11:09:39Z               None
    1  90aae7df-5efe-4b5a-af26-150aab35f1fb pandas, joblib==0.13.2, scikit-learn, numpy>=1.17.1, nltk>=3.3,<3.5  install_lib  Finished  2022-07-13T11:09:40Z               None
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
                library version
    0            joblib  0.13.2
    1              nltk   3.4.5
    2             numpy  1.21.6
    3            pandas   1.3.5
    4               pip  20.1.1
    5   python-dateutil   2.8.2
    6              pytz  2022.1
    7      scikit-learn   1.0.2
    8             scipy   1.7.3
    9        setuptools  47.1.0
    10              six  1.16.0
    11    threadpoolctl   3.1.0

Example 3: Install libraries synchronously by passing a list of library names

  • Install Python libraries as a list of library names.
    >>> env.install_lib(["Flask", "gunicorn"])
                                   Claim Id        File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  ebc11a82-4606-4ce3-9c90-9f54d1260f47  Flask, gunicorn  install_lib   Started  2022-08-12T05:35:58Z
    1  ebc11a82-4606-4ce3-9c90-9f54d1260f47  Flask, gunicorn  install_lib  Finished  2022-08-12T05:36:13Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
                      name version
    0                click   8.1.3
    1                Flask   2.2.2
    2             gunicorn  20.1.0
    3   importlib-metadata  4.12.0
    4         itsdangerous   2.1.2
    5               Jinja2   3.1.2
    6               joblib  0.13.2
    7           MarkupSafe   2.1.1
    8                 nltk   3.4.5
    9                numpy  1.21.6
    10              pandas   1.3.5
    11                 pip  20.1.1
    12     python-dateutil   2.8.2
    13                pytz  2022.2
    14        scikit-learn   1.0.2
    15               scipy   1.7.3
    16          setuptools  64.0.1
    17                 six  1.16.0
    18       threadpoolctl   3.1.0
    19   typing-extensions   4.3.0
    20            Werkzeug   2.2.2
    21                zipp   3.8.1

Example 4: Install libraries synchronously by passing a list of library names with a specific timeout

  • Install Python libraries as a list of library names, with a specific timeout of 5 seconds.
    >>> env.install_lib(["teradataml",  "teradatasqlalchemy"], timeout=5)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment 'testenv' but unable to get the status. Check the status using status() with the claim id '30185e0e-bb09-485a-8312-c267fb4b3c1b'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('30185e0e-bb09-485a-8312-c267fb4b3c1b')
                                   Claim Id                       File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  30185e0e-bb09-485a-8312-c267fb4b3c1b  teradataml, teradatasqlalchemy  install_lib   Started  2022-08-12T05:42:58Z
    1  30185e0e-bb09-485a-8312-c267fb4b3c1b  teradataml, teradatasqlalchemy  install_lib  Finished  2022-08-12T05:43:29Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
                      name    version
    0              certifi  2022.6.15
    1   charset-normalizer      2.1.0
    2                click      8.1.3
    3               docker      5.0.3
    4                Flask      2.2.2
    5             greenlet      1.1.2
    6             gunicorn     20.1.0
    7                 idna        3.3
    8   importlib-metadata     4.12.0
    9         itsdangerous      2.1.2
    10              Jinja2      3.1.2
    11              joblib     0.13.2
    12          MarkupSafe      2.1.1
    13                nltk      3.4.5
    14               numpy     1.21.6
    15              pandas      1.3.5
    16                 pip     20.1.1
    17              psutil      5.9.1
    18        pycryptodome     3.15.0
    19     python-dateutil      2.8.2
    20                pytz     2022.2
    21            requests     2.28.1
    22        scikit-learn      1.0.2
    23               scipy      1.7.3
    24          setuptools     64.0.1
    25                 six     1.16.0
    26          SQLAlchemy     1.4.40
    27          teradataml
    28         teradatasql
    29  teradatasqlalchemy
    30       threadpoolctl      3.1.0
    31   typing-extensions      4.3.0
    32             urllib3    1.26.11
    33    websocket-client      1.3.3
    34            Werkzeug      2.2.2
    35                zipp      3.8.1

Example 5: Install libraries asynchronously by creating requirement.txt file

  • Create a requirement.txt file as follows.
  • Install libraries specified in the file asynchronously.
    >>> env.install_lib(libs_file_path="requirement.txt", asynchronous=True)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
    Check the status using status() with the claim id 'f11c7f28-f958-4cae-80a8-926733954bdc'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('f11c7f28-f958-4cae-80a8-926733954bdc')
                                   Claim Id         File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  f11c7f28-f958-4cae-80a8-926733954bdc  requirements.txt  install_lib   Started  2022-07-13T11:23:23Z               None
    1  f11c7f28-f958-4cae-80a8-926733954bdc  requirements.txt  install_lib  Finished  2022-07-13T11:25:37Z               None
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
                library version
    0            joblib  0.13.2
    1              nltk   3.4.5
    2             numpy  1.21.6
    3            pandas   1.3.5
    4               pip  20.1.1
    5   python-dateutil   2.8.2
    6              pytz  2022.1
    7      scikit-learn   1.0.2
    8             scipy   1.7.3
    9        setuptools  47.1.0
    10              six  1.16.0
    11    threadpoolctl   3.1.0

Example 6: Install libraries synchronously by creating requirement.txt file

  • Create a requirement.txt file as follows.
  • Install libraries specified in the file synchronously.
    >>> env.install_lib(libs_file_path="requirements.txt")
                                   Claim Id         File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  6221681b-f663-435c-80a9-3f99d2af5d83  requirements.txt  install_lib   Started  2022-08-12T05:49:09Z
    1  6221681b-f663-435c-80a9-3f99d2af5d83  requirements.txt  install_lib  Finished  2022-08-12T05:49:41Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
                      name    version
    0              certifi  2022.6.15
    1   charset-normalizer      2.1.0
    2                click      8.1.3
    3               cycler     0.11.0
    4               docker      5.0.3
    5                Flask      2.2.2
    6            fonttools     4.34.4
    7             greenlet      1.1.2
    8             gunicorn     20.1.0
    9                 idna        3.3
    10  importlib-metadata     4.12.0
    11        itsdangerous      2.1.2
    12              Jinja2      3.1.2
    13              joblib     0.13.2
    14          kiwisolver      1.4.4
    15          MarkupSafe      2.1.1
    16          matplotlib      3.5.3
    17                nltk      3.4.5
    18               numpy     1.21.6
    19           packaging       21.3
    20              pandas      1.3.5
    21              Pillow      9.2.0
    22                 pip     20.1.1
    23              psutil      5.9.1
    24        pycryptodome     3.15.0
    25           pyparsing      3.0.9
    26     python-dateutil      2.8.2
    27                pytz     2022.2
    28            requests     2.28.1
    29        scikit-learn      1.0.2
    30               scipy      1.7.3
    31          setuptools     64.0.1
    32                 six     1.16.0
    33          SQLAlchemy     1.4.40
    34          teradataml
    35         teradatasql
    36  teradatasqlalchemy
    37       threadpoolctl      3.1.0
    38   typing-extensions      4.3.0
    39             urllib3    1.26.11
    40    websocket-client      1.3.3
    41            Werkzeug      2.2.2
    42                zipp      3.8.1

Examples for R environment

Example Prerequisite

Create remote R user environment for the following examples 7-11.
>>> env = create_env('testenv', 'r_4.1', 'Test environment')
User environment 'testenv' created.

Example 7: Install single R library asynchronously

  • Install the library.
    >>> env.install_lib('glm2', asynchronous=True)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
    Check the status using status() with the claim id 'd073a1c8-08bc-45d0-99de-65dc189db408'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('d073a1c8-08bc-45d0-99de-65dc189db408')
                                Claim Id    File/Libs   Method Name    Stage          Timestamp         Additional Details
    0   d073a1c8-08bc-45d0-99de-65dc189db408    glm2    install_lib    Started    2023-08-29T09:09:30Z
    1   d073a1c8-08bc-45d0-99de-65dc189db408    glm2    install_lib    Finished   2023-08-29T09:09:35Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed.
    >>> env.libs
        name        version
    0   KernSmooth  2.23-20
    1   MASS        7.3-55
    2   Matrix      1.4-0
    3   base        4.1.3
    4   boot        1.3-28
    5   class       7.3-20
    6   cluster     2.1.2
    7   codetools   0.2-18
    8   compiler    4.1.3
    9   datasets    4.1.3
    10  foreign     0.8-82
    11  grDevices   4.1.3
    12  graphics    4.1.3
    13  grid        4.1.3
    14  lattice     0.20-45
    15  methods     4.1.3
    16  mgcv        1.8-39
    17  nlme        3.1-155
    18  nnet        7.3-17
    19  parallel    4.1.3
    20  remotes     2.4.2
    21  rpart       4.1.16
    22  spatial     7.3-15
    23  splines     4.1.3
    24  stats       4.1.3
    25  stats4      4.1.3
    26  survival    3.2-13
    27  tcltk       4.1.3
    28  tools       4.1.3
    29  utils       4.1.3
    30  glm2        1.2.1

Example 8: Install libraries asynchronously by passing a list of library names

  • Install the libraries.
    >>> env.install_lib(['glm2', 'stringi'], asynchronous=True)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
    Check the status using status() with the claim id '6b2ca7ac-f113-440c-bf24-1ce75ed59f36'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('90aae7df-5efe-4b5a-af26-150aab35f1fb')
                                    Claim Id    File/Libs               Method Name    Stage      Timestamp            Additional Details
    0   6b2ca7ac-f113-440c-bf24-1ce75ed59f36    glm2==1.2.1, stringi    install_lib    Started    2023-08-29T09:42:39Z
    1   6b2ca7ac-f113-440c-bf24-1ce75ed59f36    glm2==1.2.1, stringi    install_lib    Finished   2023-08-29T09:43:58Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed or not.
    >>> env.libs
        name        version
    0   KernSmooth  2.23-20
    1   MASS        7.3-55
    2   Matrix      1.4-0
    3   base        4.1.3
    4   boot        1.3-28
    5   class       7.3-20
    6   cluster     2.1.2
    7   codetools   0.2-18
    8   compiler    4.1.3
    9   datasets    4.1.3
    10  foreign     0.8-82
    11  grDevices   4.1.3
    12  graphics    4.1.3
    13  grid        4.1.3
    14  lattice     0.20-45
    15  methods     4.1.3
    16  mgcv        1.8-39
    17  nlme        3.1-155
    18  nnet        7.3-17
    19  parallel    4.1.3
    20  remotes     2.4.2
    21  rpart       4.1.16
    22  spatial     7.3-15
    23  splines     4.1.3
    24  stats       4.1.3
    25  stats4      4.1.3
    26  survival    3.2-13
    27  tcltk       4.1.3
    28  tools       4.1.3
    29  utils       4.1.3
    30  glm2        1.2.1
    31  stringi     1.7.12

Example 9: Install libraries synchronously by passing a list of library names

  • Install the libraries.
    >>> env.install_lib(["lubridate", "zoo"])
                                    Claim Id    File/Libs       Method Name   Stage      Timestamp            Additional Details
    0   7483fa01-dedb-4fb2-9262-403da6b49a3b    lubridate, zoo  install_lib   Started    2023-08-29T09:51:25Z
    1   7483fa01-dedb-4fb2-9262-403da6b49a3b    lubridate, zoo  install_lib   Finished   2023-08-29T09:52:20Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
        name        version
    0   KernSmooth  2.23-20
    1   MASS        7.3-55
    2   Matrix      1.4-0
    3   base        4.1.3
    4   boot        1.3-28
    5   class       7.3-20
    6   cluster     2.1.2
    7   codetools   0.2-18
    8   compiler    4.1.3
    9   datasets    4.1.3
    10  foreign     0.8-82
    11  grDevices   4.1.3
    12  graphics    4.1.3
    13  grid        4.1.3
    14  lattice     0.20-45
    15  methods     4.1.3
    16  mgcv        1.8-39
    17  nlme        3.1-155
    18  nnet        7.3-17
    19  parallel    4.1.3
    20  remotes     2.4.2
    21  rpart       4.1.16
    22  spatial     7.3-15
    23  splines     4.1.3
    24  stats       4.1.3
    25  stats4      4.1.3
    26  survival    3.2-13
    27  tcltk       4.1.3
    28  tools       4.1.3
    29  utils       4.1.3
    30  cpp11       0.4.6
    31  generics    0.1.3
    32  glm2        1.2.1
    33  lubridate   1.9.2
    34  stringi     1.7.12
    35  timechange  0.2.0
    36  zoo         1.8-12

Example 10: Install libraries synchronously by passing a list of library names with a specific timeout

  • Install the libraries and specify the timeout of 1 second.
    >>> env.install_lib(["stringi",  "glm2"], timeout=1)
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment 'testenv' but Timed out
    status check. Check the status using status() with the claim id '7303cf6d-acea-4ab0-83b8-e6cf9149fe51'.
  • Check the status.
    >>> env.status('7303cf6d-acea-4ab0-83b8-e6cf9149fe51')
                                    Claim Id    File/Libs       Method Name    Stage      Timestamp            Additional Details
    0   7303cf6d-acea-4ab0-83b8-e6cf9149fe51    stringi, glm2   install_lib    Started    2023-08-29T10:18:48Z
    1   7303cf6d-acea-4ab0-83b8-e6cf9149fe51    stringi, glm2   install_lib    Finished   2023-08-29T10:20:08Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
        name        version
    0   KernSmooth  2.23-20
    1   MASS        7.3-55
    2   Matrix      1.4-0
    3   base        4.1.3
    4   boot        1.3-28
    5   class       7.3-20
    6   cluster     2.1.2
    7   codetools   0.2-18
    8   compiler    4.1.3
    9   datasets    4.1.3
    10  foreign     0.8-82
    11  grDevices   4.1.3
    12  graphics    4.1.3
    13  grid        4.1.3
    14  lattice     0.20-45
    15  methods     4.1.3
    16  mgcv        1.8-39
    17  nlme        3.1-155
    18  nnet        7.3-17
    19  parallel    4.1.3
    20  remotes     2.4.2
    21  rpart       4.1.16
    22  spatial     7.3-15
    23  splines     4.1.3
    24  stats       4.1.3
    25  stats4      4.1.3
    26  survival    3.2-13
    27  tcltk       4.1.3
    28  tools       4.1.3
    29  utils       4.1.3
    30  cpp11       0.4.6
    31  generics    0.1.3
    32  glm2        1.2.1
    33  lubridate   1.9.2
    34  stringi     1.7.12
    35  timechange  0.2.0
    36  zoo         1.8-12

Example 11: Install libraries specified in requirement text file synchronously

  • Create a requirement.txt file with following contents.
        "cran_packages": [{
            "name": "anytime",
            "version": ""
        }, {
            "name": "glm2",
            "version": ""
  • Install libraries specified in the file.
    >>> env.install_lib(libs_file_path="requirement.txt")
                                    Claim Id    File/Libs         Method Name   Stage       Timestamp            Additional Details
    0   eab69326-5e14-4c81-8157-408fe0b633c2    requirement.txt   install_lib   Started     2023-08-29T12:18:26Z
    1   eab69326-5e14-4c81-8157-408fe0b633c2    requirement.txt   install_lib   Finished    2023-08-29T12:23:12Z
  • Verify if libraries are installed with specific version.
    >>> env.libs
        name        version
    0   KernSmooth  2.23-20
    1   MASS        7.3-55
    2   Matrix      1.4-0
    3   base        4.1.3
    4   boot        1.3-28
    5   class       7.3-20
    6   cluster     2.1.2
    7   codetools   0.2-18
    8   compiler    4.1.3
    9   datasets    4.1.3
    10  foreign     0.8-82
    11  grDevices   4.1.3
    12  graphics    4.1.3
    13  grid        4.1.3
    14  lattice     0.20-45
    15  methods     4.1.3
    16  mgcv        1.8-39
    17  nlme        3.1-155
    18  nnet        7.3-17
    19  parallel    4.1.3
    20  remotes     2.4.2
    21  rpart       4.1.16
    22  spatial     7.3-15
    23  splines     4.1.3
    24  stats       4.1.3
    25  stats4      4.1.3
    26  survival    3.2-13
    27  tcltk       4.1.3
    28  tools       4.1.3
    29  utils       4.1.3
    30  BH          1.81.0-1
    31  Rcpp        1.0.11
    32  anytime     0.3.9
    33  cpp11       0.4.6
    34  generics    0.1.3
    35  glm2        1.2.1
    36  lubridate   1.9.2
    37  stringi     1.7.12
    38  timechange  0.2.0
    39  zoo         1.8-12