status | Manage files and libs in User Environment | Open Analytics Framework - status - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Use the status function to check the status of the operations performed by the library and file management methods of UserEnv.

Status of the following operations can be checked:
  • File installation, when installed asynchronously.

    Applicable for the files with size greater than 10 MB.

  • Install, uninstall or update of the libraries in user environment.

Optional Argument

Specifies the unique identifiers of the asynchronous process started by the UserEnv management methods.
If you do not pass claim_ids, the function gets the status of all the asynchronous processes in the current session.

This function returns pandas DataFrame.

Example Prerequisite

Create remote user environment for the following examples.

>>> env = create_env('test_env', 'python_3.7.9', 'Test environment')
User environment test_env created.

Example 1: Check the status of an asynchronous installation of a file

This function installs the file 'large_file' asynchronously with 'large_file' found in temp folder and check the latest status of installation.

Running this example creates a file 'large_file' with size # approximately 41MB in the temp folder

>>> import tempfile, os
>>> def create_large_file():
        file_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),"large_file")
        with open(file_name, 'xb') as fp:
   * 1024 * 41) - 1)
>>> claim_id = env.install_file('large_file')
    File installation is initiated. Check the status using status() with the claim id 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
                               Claim Id                                                       File/Libs   Method Name               Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
0  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.  install_file  Endpoint Generated  2022-07-27T18:20:34Z               None
1  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.  install_file       File Uploaded  2022-07-27T18:20:35Z               None
2  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.  install_file      File Installed  2022-07-27T18:20:38Z               None

Example 2: Check the status of an asynchronous installation of a library

This example installs the library 'teradataml' asynchronously and check the status of installation.

>>> claim_id = env.install_lib('teradataml')
    Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8'.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
                               Claim Id   File/Libs  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
0  349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8  teradataml  install_lib   Started  2022-07-13T10:37:40Z               None
1  349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8  teradataml  install_lib  Finished  2022-07-13T10:39:29Z               None

Example 3: Check the status of an asynchronous update of a library

This example updates the library 'teradataml' to asynchronously and check the status of installation.

>>> claim_id = env.update_lib('teradataml==')
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6'.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
                               Claim Id              File/Libs Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
0  29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6  teradataml==  update_lib   Started  2022-07-13T10:47:39Z               None
1  29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6  teradataml==  update_lib  Finished  2022-07-13T10:49:52Z               None

Example 4: Check the status of all asynchronous processes

This example uninstalls the library 'teradataml' and check the complete status of all asynchronous processes.

>>> claim_id = env.uninstall_lib('teradataml')
Request to uninstall libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db'.
>>> env.status()
                               Claim Id                                                       File/Libs    Method Name               Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
0  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.   install_file  Endpoint Generated  2022-07-27T18:20:34Z               None
1  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.   install_file       File Uploaded  2022-07-27T18:20:35Z               None
2  53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59  TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664.   install_file      File Installed  2022-07-27T18:20:38Z               None
3  29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6                                           teradataml==     update_lib             Started  2022-07-13T10:47:39Z               None
4  29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6                                           teradataml==     update_lib            Finished  2022-07-13T10:49:52Z               None
5  349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8                                           teradataml               install_lib             Started  2022-07-13T10:37:40Z               None
6  349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8                                           teradataml               install_lib            Finished  2022-07-13T10:39:29Z               None
7  5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db                                           teradataml             uninstall_lib             Started  2022-07-13T10:37:40Z               None
8  5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db                                           teradataml             uninstall_lib            Finished  2022-07-13T10:39:29Z               None

Example 5: Uninstall lib from conda environment and check the complete status of all the asynchronous processes

  • Create conda environment.
    >>> testenv_conda = create_env('testenv_conda', 'python_3.8', 'Test conda environment', conda_env=True)
    Conda environment creation initiated
    User environment 'testenv_conda' created.
  • View existing libraries installed.
    >>> testenv_conda.libs
                    name     version
    0      _libgcc_mutex         0.1
    1      _openmp_mutex         5.1
    2    ca-certificates  2023.12.12
    3   ld_impl_linux-64        2.38
    4             libffi       3.4.4
    5          libgcc-ng      11.2.0
    6            libgomp      11.2.0
    7       libstdcxx-ng      11.2.0
    8            ncurses         6.4
    9            openssl      3.0.12
    10               pip      23.3.1
    11            python      3.9.18
    12          readline         8.2
    13        setuptools      68.2.2
    14            sqlite      3.41.2
    15                tk      8.6.12
    16            tzdata       2023d
    17             wheel      0.41.2
    18                xz       5.4.5
    19              zlib      1.2.13
  • Install additional Python libraries.
    >>> testenv_conda.install_lib(['numpy','nltk>=3.3'])
                                   Claim Id   File/Libs/Model  Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  4e3d5cde-20fd-490f-981d-82fda578b2fd  numpy, nltk>=3.3  install_lib   Started  2024-01-31T17:56:15Z                  
    1  4e3d5cde-20fd-490f-981d-82fda578b2fd  numpy, nltk>=3.3  install_lib  Finished  2024-01-31T17:57:24Z   
  • Check the status.
    >>> conda_env.status()
                                   Claim Id   File/Libs/Model    Method Name     Stage             Timestamp Additional Details
    0  4e3d5cde-20fd-490f-981d-82fda578b2fd  numpy, nltk>=3.3    install_lib   Started  2024-01-31T17:56:15Z                  
    1  4e3d5cde-20fd-490f-981d-82fda578b2fd  numpy, nltk>=3.3    install_lib  Finished  2024-01-31T17:57:24Z