From the Engine tab, you can do the following:
- View site and instance information.
- Start or stop the system.
- Adjust system elasticity by scaling up, scaling down, scaling out, and scaling in.
- Adjusting elasticity affects the TCore-Hours consumption rate. See TCore-Hours.
- When you adjust elasticity, be aware that the SQL Engine restarts, which affects other Vantage Trial users on the shared system.
- For scaling up and down, two instance types are available: m5.4xlarge (small) and m5.8xlarge (medium).
- You can scale out from 2 nodes to 3 nodes and scale in from 3 nodes to 2 nodes.
- Adjusting elasticity cannot be done automatically based on usage. Also, adjusting elasticity cannot be scheduled ahead of time. You do it at the time you need it.