Revoking a License for Sites without Internet Access - Teradata Vantage on VMware

Teradata Vantageā„¢ on VMware Base, Advanced, Enterprise Tiers Getting Started Guide

Teradata Vantage on VMware
Release Number
Deployer 3.04
October 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
If your deployment site can access the web-based Teradata EMS server, licensing information is passed between your site and the server over the Internet automatically. If your site cannot access the Internet, use this procedure to convey licensing information between the two locations manually.
Some steps require a device with Internet access, as well as access to the Teradata EMS server.
  1. Open a VMware vSphere PowerCLI shell version 5.5 or later.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Vantage on VMware deployment executable file:
  3. Run tdc.deploy.exe, and provide answers to the prompts.
  4. At the prompt, type revoke_license, and press Enter.
    1. Select the Common Properties file, and press Enter.
    2. Select the Node Properties file, and press Enter.
  5. When prompted, enter the root password for the target system, and type Y at the following prompt.
    Revocation of Vantage License!
    Are you sure this is what you want to do?
    [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): Y
  6. When the connection to the EMS server fails, type Y when the following warning appears on the screen.
    Failed connecting to the given Teradata EMS Server:
    Warning: Failed connecting to the Teradata EMS Server. Is this a non-internet connected site deployment?
    [Y] Yes  [N] No  [?] Help (default is "N"):
  7. Record the following values from the system details that appear in the PowerCLI terminal to be used in a later step.
    • Package Type
    • Client 1 Info

      Equivalent to Locking Code on the Teradata EMS server.

    • Directory where the permission ticket will be placed after creating the revocation request on the Teradata EMS server (C:\mylocation\Teradata_Deployer\telm).
    Info: For a non-internet connected site you will need the following information to generate a permission ticket from
    -----System Details----
    EntitlementId: 9e883e15-98ea-4e56-9f8b-1e52f5d1cd0b
    Package Type: VMware Enterprise 1 Years
    Client 1 Info:   *1V22Q9WDDXM98QX
    Info: After the permission ticket has been generated,
    place the permission ticket file (permissionTicket) in the following directory:
    then re-run tdc.deploy.exe.
  8. Using a device with Internet access, log in to the Teradata EMS server:
  9. Create the revocation request, download the permission ticket.
    1. Click to expand Activations.
    2. Click Revoke for the activation you want to revoke.
      Make sure the values for Locking Code and Package Type for the activation match the Client 1 Info and Package Type values from the deployment site.
    3. In the Download Permission Ticket tab, click Download to download the file.
      You will use the permissionTicket file on the deployment site.
  10. Back on the deployment site, place the permissionTicket file in the telm directory (C:\mylocation\Teradata_Deployer\telm).
  11. Run tdc.deploy.exe, using the properties files originally used to deploy VMs.
  12. At the prompt, type revoke_license, and press Enter.
    1. Select the Common Properties file, and press Enter.
    2. Select the Node Properties file, and press Enter.
  13. When prompted, enter the root password for the target system, then type Y at the following prompt.
    Revocation of Vantage License!
    Are you sure this is what you want to do?
    [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"):  
  14. When the connection to the Teradata EMS server fails, type Y when the following output appears on the screen.
    Failed connecting to the given Teradata EMS Server:
    Warning: Failed connecting to the Teradata EMS Server. Is this a non-internet connected site deployment? 
    [Y] Yes [N] No [?] Help (default is "N"): Y

    The following information appears on the screen:

    Info: Permission Ticket found. Continuing License Revocation for non-internet connected site.
    Info: Revocation has completed. Please upload your revocation ticket to to have your license re-credited.
    License revocation succeeds!

    A revocation proof file (revocationProof), is generated in the telm directory. You will use the file on the Teradata EMS server.

    If an error occurs, contact Teradata Services.

  15. Upload the revocation receipt to the Teradata EMS server.
    1. Using a device with Internet access, log in to the Teradata EMS server:
    2. In the Revocation screen, click the Upload Revocation Proof tab and upload the file.
    3. Click Done.
    In the Activations section, the row for the revoked activation no longer appears.

    In the Products and Orders sections of the home page, updated Activated and Available quantities reflect the quantity of cores used and remaining.