Deploy Vantage | Sites without Internet Access | Teradata Vantage on VMware - Deploying Teradata Vantage on VMware for Sites without Internet Access - Teradata Vantage on VMware

Teradata Vantage™ on VMware Base, Advanced, Enterprise Tiers Getting Started Guide

Teradata Vantage on VMware
Release Number
Deployer 3.04
October 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
PrerequisiteBefore starting this procedure, do the following:
Important: Wait until Vantage on VMware is fully deployed before accessing the database.
If your site cannot access the Internet, follow these steps to manually convey licensing information between your site and the licensing server.
Some steps require a device that can access the Teradata EMS server ( over the Internet.
  1. Open a VMware vSphere PowerCLI shell version 6.0 or later.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the Vantage on VMware deployment executable file:
  3. [Optional] For troubleshooting purposes, make copies of the and properties files, label them according to the system to be deployed, and then save them.
  4. Run tdc.deploy.exe.
  5. At the prompt, type the IP address or FQDN for your vCenter.
  6. At the prompt, type deploy, and press Enter.
    1. Select the common properties file, and press Enter.
    2. Select the node properties file, and press Enter.
    The executable connects to the vCenter server and validates the information in the properties files. When validation is successful, the executable deploys the selected templates, and configures the VMs based on the values in the properties files.
  7. If the deployment executable cannot connect to, type Y to skip the license pre-validation and continue.
    The executable attempts to validate whether your entitlement has a sufficient number of available licenses.

    If the device running the (Windows) executable cannot access the Internet, skip this validation. The quantity is validated later in the process.

  8. Type Y when the following warning appears.
    Failed connecting to the given Teradata EMS Server:
    Warning: Failed connecting to the Teradata EMS Server. Is this a non-internet connected site deployment?
    [Y] Yes  [N] No  [?] Help (default is "N"):
  9. Record the following values from the system details that appear in the PowerCLI terminal:
    • Package Type
    • Activation Quantity (number of physical cores to be activated)
    • Client 1 Info (equivalent to Locking Code on the Teradata EMS server)
    • Directory where the license file is placed after the activation on the EMS server (C:\mylocation\Vantage_Deployer\telm).
    –––-System Details----
    EntitlementId: 9d843a13-76fa-3e67-9f8a-1e41f3d1ad0a
    Package Type: VMware Enterprise
    Activation Quantity:   4
    Client 1 Info:  *1RDV5L3RKL4TRM5
    Info: After the license has been generated, place the license file <lservrc> in the following directory : C:\mylocation\Vantage_Deployer\telm\ then re-run tdc.deploy.exe
    The deployment executable terminates.
  10. Using a device with Internet access, log in to:
  11. Click to expand either the Product/Product Suite section.
  12. For each license under LicenseToActivate in the license_info JSON file, complete the following:
    1. Click Activate for the target product license with the matching Part#, complete the following fields, when active, with the values from the license_info JSON file, then click Submit:
      • QuantityToActivate
      • LockingCode: LockingCode1 string
      An Account confirmed message appears in the lower right corner.
    2. Click Next.
      The Step 4 - Finish screen displays a message that the activation is complete, and the license was emailed to the activator.

      The email displays the license string created for the activation, and includes an attached file,, that also lists the license string.

    3. [Optional] Click Download License File to save a local copy of the file.
    4. Expand the files from the email or download.
      You will use the resulting license file (lservrc) when you return to the deployment site.
    5. Click Done.
      In the Product/Product Suite section of the home page, updated Activated and Available reflect the quantities of cores used, and remaining.
  13. Back on the deployment site, place the license files (lservrc) in the telm directory indicated earlier in this procedure.
    If there is more than one license activated, add a unique suffix to each of the license files (lservrc) so you do not overwrite any file.
  14. From the PowerCLI terminal, run tdc.deploy.exe again, select the deploy step and type Y when the following warning appears.
    Failed connecting to the given Teradata EMS Server:
    Warning: Failed connecting to the Teradata EMS Server.
    Is this a non-internet connected site deployment?
  15. Type Y to use the existing license file.
    The following appears:
    Existing license file(s) detected
    Use the existing license file(s) to continue the deployment?
If there are no errors, the VM deploys. The deployment executable file is re-entrant, meaning if errors occur, they can be fixed and the executable runs all states again. Action is taken only as needed.
PostrequisiteAfter the VM deploys, complete the applicable procedures in Software Configuration.