If your system has an expired or a missing license file, use this procedure to bring your system into compliance.
- Open a VMware vSphere PowerCLI shell version 6.0 or later.
- Navigate to the directory containing the Vantage on VMware deployment executable file:C:\mylocation\Vantage_Deployer\
- Run tdc.deploy.exe interactively.
.\tdc.deploy.exe -commonITproperties Properties\common.IT.properties.json -nodeITproperties Properties\node.IT.properties.json
- From the PowerCLI terminal, type activate_license to generate a license for the existing VM.
- Type copyfiles to transfer the configuration scripts into each VM.
- If your system has an invalid license file, restart Vantage if any SLEM-NOTE indicates a missing license file.Check with your Vantage Administrator to determine when to restart Vantage.The license verification cycle runs once every 24 hours from the time when the license was last checked and verified by Teradata and sends SLEM-NOTE messages to /var/log/messages that are related to licensing.
- Follow the prompts to finish generating the new license.