Example: Enabling a BTEQ Script to Run as an Alert Action - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
October 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
In this example, we run a BTEQ script as an alert action for the Teradata Database system TEST1, weeknights only, and track alerts in the Alert Viewer portlet. The BTEQ script, cpuUsageReport.txt contains the following macro that returns a problem analysis of daily workloads: EXECUTE ResPmaTotal;.
  1. Copy the BTEQ script cpuUsageReport.txt to the Windows server at: InstallFolder\Teradata\Client\16.00\Teradata Notification Service\sql.
  2. Verify that the Teradata Notification Service is running on the Windows server.
    1. At the Windows command prompt, type services.msc.
    2. Check that the status for the Teradata Notification Service is started in the list of services.
    3. If the service is stopped, right-click the service name and select Start.
  3. In the Alert Setup portlet, configure delivery settings.
    1. From the Setup Options list, click Delivery Settings.
    2. From the Authentication list, click Teradata Login.
    3. Click next to Teradata Login.
    4. In the TDPID box, type the TDPID of the TEST1 system.
    5. Select the Enable check box.
    6. Enter a login name and password.
    7. [Optional] From the Test Teradata Logon list, select BTEQ (Windows).
    8. [Optional] Click Test to verify that the login settings are correct.
    9. Click Apply.
  4. In the Alert Setup portlet, create an action set.
    1. From the Setup Options list, click Alert Presets.
    2. From the Preset Options list, click Core Hours. Verify that the Evening Hours displayed in the box correspond to the weeknight hours for this alert action.
    3. From the Preset Options list, click Action Sets.
    4. Click next to Action Sets.
    5. In Action Set Name, type cpuUsageReport.
    6. From the Times check boxes, select the Evening check box, and clear both Core and Weekend check boxes.
    7. Under Actions, ensure the Include in Alert Viewer check box is selected. This option is selected by default so you can view alerts for this action set in the Alert Viewer portlet.
    8. From the Actions list, select the BTEQ check box.
    9. From the Location list, select your Windows server.
    10. From the Script list, select cpuUsageReport.txt. If the script does not appear in the list, verify that the script cpuUsageReport.txt exists at: InstallFolder\Teradata\Client\16.00\Teradata Notification Service\sql.
    11. From the TDPID list, select TEST1.
    12. Click Apply.
  5. In the Monitored Systems portlet for Teradata Viewpoint monitoring, configure TEST1.
    1. Click next to Systems and select Add Teradata System.
    2. In System Nickname, type TEST1.
    3. Select the Enable system check box to activate the TEST1 system for monitoring.
    4. In the TDPID box, type the TDPID of the TEST1 system.
    5. Enter a login name and password.
    6. Click Apply.
  6. In the Monitored Systems portlet, configure the data collectors.
    1. From the Systems list, click TEST1.
    2. From the Setup list, click Data Collectors.
    3. From the Data Collectors list, click Resource Usage and System Stats.
    4. Enable the data collectors and accept all defaults.
    5. Click Apply.
  7. In the Monitored Systems portlet, define alert rules.
    1. From the Systems list, click TEST1.
    2. From the Setup list, click Alerts.
    3. From the Alert Types list, click System.
    4. Click next to Alerts.
    5. In Alert Name, type cpuUsageReportAlert.
    6. Select the Enabled check box.
    7. From the Alert Rules list, select Any.
    8. From the lists, select Node CPU Usage and is greater than.
    9. In the box to the right of the greater-than symbol (>), type 80.
    10. From the Alert Action list, select cpuUsageReport.
    11. From the Severity list, select High.
    12. Click Apply.
  8. In the Alert Viewer portlet, review triggered actions.
    1. Click High to filter the alerts in the portlet by high severity.
    2. In the SYSTEM NAME filter box, type TEST1 to view alerts for the TEST1 system.