Histogram Graph Drill Down Functions - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 1Introduction and Profiling

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
July 2017
Product Category

Drill down into one or more bins from multiple columns to see source data rows. First, select bins that target the range of data to be retrieved. The inclusiveness or exclusivity of bin beginning and ending values can vary for columns of type 'Date' and for the ending value of the final bin. A simplification has been made such that, for drill down purposes, both the beginning and ending values of a bin's range are treated as inclusive, so it is possible that a row with value matching either the beginning or ending value may be displayed as belonging to more than one bin.

Multiple bins can be selected from different graphs (columns) to build up composite views of source data. Each bin selected will be entered into an editable drill down list automatically (a drill down window pops up as values are clicked). All bins in the list will be used as drill down criteria, resulting in a drill down data table containing rows belonging to all of the ranges selected.

There are two ways to select bins for drill down:
  1. Click on one or more count bars or bin ranges to add bins to the drill down list.
  2. Or, send bins to the drill down list by selecting rows in the data selector, right-clicking on the rows and clicking on the ‘Drill Down’ pop-up menu item.

The drill down list can be edited after graph selections are added, and saved for future reference.

Finally, to see the result of the drill down selections, click the ‘drill down’ tab in the Drill Down window to query the source data table. Filtered rows (rows that fit the drill down criteria) will be returned and displayed in the drill down table. In addition to the isolated graph data, all related rows from the source table can be viewed, as well.

In the header of the drill down display are options to “show graph data only” or “include related columns”. The tabular icon to the right of these two options in the header can be used to select up to 20 columns for display with the second option. By default, the first 20 columns when sorted alphabetically are displayed with the second option. The “sql” to the left of the tabular icon can be used to copy the SQL Where clause for the drill down query to the Clipboard for pasting into another text area or application.

Histogram Drill Down List

Additional drill down features:
  • Save each list before creating a new one if it needs to be used again. After saving, a small icon appears next to the drill down icon in the upper right corner of the graph page.
  • Clicking on the thumbnail will reload the saved list, enabling repeated reviews of the source data. In addition, the saved list can be copied, edited by deletions or additions, and then replaced over the old list or saved as new. Clicking on the drill down icon reveals a list of default descriptive labels for the saved drill downs, which can be changed to something the user finds more meaningful.
  • Saved drill down lists can be deleted by right-clicking on thumbnail icons, or from the drill down label list.
The following right-click menu options are available from the display of drill down data rows after drill down is performed. They can be used to copy data to Microsoft Excel or to the Clipboard. When copying data to the Clipboard, columns are delineated by tab characters.
  • Export to Excel — All Rows
  • Export to Excel — Selected Rows
  • Copy (to Clipboard) — All Rows
  • Copy (to Clipboard) — Selected Rows
Drill down cannot retrieve source rows for a column that is renamed with an alias. Also, drill down will not work properly when the table being analyzed is a volatile table created by a referenced analysis that doesn't create an output table or view.
Drill down with the Histogram crosstab option selected will not work properly if either subject column name is greater than 24 characters in length, in which case, the workaround is to create a view to analyze.