Teradata Warehouse Miner demonstration data can be installed for tutorial purposes. This data is the same data used in the documentation and help system provided with the product. The tables comprising the demonstration data use less than 10 megabytes of permanent space and are built without FALLBACK protection. The table names begin with “twm_” to avoid interference with the names of other tables in the database.
- twm_accounts
- twm_checking_acct
- twm_checking_tran
- twm_credit_acct
- twm_credit_tran
- twm_customer
- twm_customer_analysis
- twm_customer_dqa
- twm_savings_acct
- twm_savings_tran
- twm_transactions
In order to install the product demonstration tables, you must execute the Load Demonstration Data program item in the Teradata Warehouse Miner program group. This program loads the data by locating the Teradata Client Utility FastLoad. If it exists on the system, you can proceed with the load. Otherwise, an error occurs.
You will be prompted to enter the Hostname, Userid, Password and Database to load the data into. Note that this requires an appropriate entry in the Hosts file to connect properly. See Executing Teradata Client Utilities. The FastLoad program is then invoked to load all the demonstration data - the FastLoad log can be analyzed upon completion.