The tables outlined below provide metadata about output tables, views and stored procedures. They must be created using the
menu option prior to executing an analysis with output advertising requested. The database in which they are created, and the database that is used to locate them when output is actually advertised, is the Advertise Database on the Connection Properties dialog.Note that the primary key for most of these tables is the output database and table or view name, which is unique across the entire Teradata system due to the design of the Teradata data dictionary. This means that users of different TWM application metadata tables (i.e., users with different metadata databases) can, if desired, share one set of Advertise Output metadata tables. In this scenario, only one user should create the tables using the
menu option.It is not intended, however, that the Advertise Output metadata tables be accessed directly by users, but always through provided views and macros that access the tables. Note that these views and macros are created at the same time the Advertise Output metadata tables are created. They can also be recreated separately, something that may be useful in a future release if the views and/or macros must be updated while leaving the underlying metadata tables unchanged.
The provided macros always reference the metadata through the provided views, which access the underlying metadata tables after locking them for access. Depending on when the Advertise Output metadata tables were created, it may be necessary to recreate the views and macros using the feature just described in order to benefit from the potential performance improvement from locking tables for access and to make available any new macros included with the product. In addition to providing database views and macros through which to access the Advertise Output metadata, a maintenance function called Advertise Maintenance is provided on the Tools menu to maintain or view the advertised objects or to execute the supplied macros and view the results (also available as View Advertised Output on the View menu). This dialog lists the advertised objects that may be viewed, and optionally filtered to include only those of a particular category (ADS, Score, Profile or Other). When an individual advertised object is selected, detailed properties may be displayed, the SQL definition viewed or the data itself viewed if the object is a table or view. In addition, one or more advertisements may be selected for deletion, along with the underlying objects themselves if desired. Finally, a Synchronize option is provided to match up the entries with entries in the Teradata data dictionary, marking as “Missing” any objects that have been dropped from Teradata or as “Outdated” those objects that have been newly created without advertising after they were previously advertised. For more information, see Advertised Maintenance.
The design of the Advertise Output metadata tables reflect the fact that TWM output tables can generally be categorized as analytic data sets, score tables or profile tables. An Analytic Data Set, or ADS, may contain data needed to build or score a predictive model, or it may contain analytic measures derived from data in the warehouse. A score table contains the results created when a predictive model (generally built by a data mining algorithm) is applied to an analytic data set. Finally, a profile table or view is essentially a report resulting from a statistical analysis of data in the warehouse, such as a Frequency or Histogram analysis.