Adding an Existing Analysis - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 1Introduction and Profiling

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
July 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
The Add Existing Analysis option is not available when the Save to Local Files option is selected on the Connection Properites dialog.

When adding an existing analysis, a dialog similar to the Metadata Maintenance dialog with a simplified set of option buttons is displayed. By selecting the top-most Analyses folder on the left side display or one of the category folders underneath it, the desired analysis or analyses to add can be selected from a list of all analyses in the repository or all the analyses of a given type category displayed on the right-side view. Similarly, by selecting a project on the left-side view, one or more analyses contained in the selected project may be selected from the right-side view.

Adding an analysis creates a copy of the analysis within the current project or a new project and opens the form for the analysis, displaying the parameters and any results that were saved in the analysis that was copied. It will also create a copy of any analysis referred to by the specified analysis and any analyses that they in turn refer to. If, due to analysis references being present, any additional analyses will be added to the current project, a message appears with the option to continue or cancel the operation.

To see ahead of time what analyses, if any, are referred to by a singly selected analysis, analysis reference shading may be activated by selecting the Properties display and by further selecting an option that requires the analysis to be memory resident (i.e., the Parameters tab, the References tab or the Display names of output tables… option).

Clicking on a display column header sorts the entries by the contents of that column, first in ascending order, then in descending order on the next click. This can be useful for such tasks as finding a particular analysis in a particular project, or in finding the last analysis modified.

Checking the Add to new project option causes the selected analyses to be added to a newly created project. This means that an analysis can be added to the project workspace even when there are currently no projects in the workspace.

Checking the Map database objects option and clicking OK after selecting an analysis brings up a dialog similar to that seen when importing a project (the labels change to reflect that an analysis is being loaded). This makes it possible to map to other values the databases, tables or columns in the analysis copy and the analyses it refers to, if any, which are also being loaded. For more information on mapping database objects, see Import Wizard.