The Teradata Columnar feature was first made available in Teradata 14.00, but only when purchased as a supplementary feature. The feature is invoked using special table partitioning syntax following the primary index clause of a Create Table statement.
A simple example accessing the TWM tutorial data is given below.
CREATE MULTISET TABLE twm_results.columnar_test AS ( SELECT cust_id ,income ,city_name ,state_code FROM twm_source.twm_customer ) WITH DATA NO PRIMARY INDEX PARTITION BY COLUMN;
The phrase PARTITION BY COLUMN can be specified in the Additional Information text box on the OUTPUT-primary index tab of an ADS or Reorganization analysis other than Denorm or Refresh. Additional information about this screen can be found in OUTPUT Tab.
If it should become necessary to specify a column attribute such as NOT NULL, this can be done using the Properties dialog of a Variable Creation or Variable Transformation analysis, but only using one of these analyses.