String (Teradata Database) - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 2ADS Generation

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
February 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

The following table lists the available string functions, and a description of their purpose.

Embedded Services: String Functions
Function Description
ASCII Returns the decimal representation of the first character in string_expr as a NUMBER value. The decimal representation will reflect the character set of the input string.
CHR Returns the Latin ASCII character given a numeric code value.
EDITDISTANCE Returns the minimum number of edit operations (insertions, deletions, substitutions and transpositions) required to transform string1 into string2.
INITCAP Modifies a string argument and returns the string with the first character in each word in uppercase and all other characters in lowercase. Words are delimited by white space or characters that are not alphanumeric.
INSTR Searches the source_string argument for occurrences of search_string.
LENGTH Returns the number of characters in the string argument.
LPAD Returns the source_string padded to the left with the characters in fill_string so that the resulting string is length characters.
LTRIM Returns the string argument string1, with its left-most characters removed up to the first character that is not in the string argument string2.
NGRAM Returns the number of n-gram matches between string1 and string2.

A high number of matching n-gram patterns implies a high similarity between the two strings.

NVP Extracts the value of a name-value pair where the name in the pair matches the name and the number of the occurrence specified.
OREPLACE Replaces every occurrence of search_string in the source_string with the replace_string. Use this function either to replace or remove portions of a string.
OTRANSLATE Returns source_string with every occurrence of each character in from_string replaced with the corresponding character in to_string.
RPAD Returns the source_string padded to the right with the characters in fill_string so that the resulting string is length characters.
RTRIM Returns the string argument string1, with its right-most characters removed up to the first character that is not in the string argument string2.
STRTOK Splits instring into tokens based on the specified list of delimiter characters and returns the nth token, where n is specified by the tokennum argument.
See the Teradata Database SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates document, B035-1145, for a detailed overview of these string functions.