Factor Analysis - OUTPUT - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 3Analytic Functions

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
February 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
  1. On the Factor Analysis dialog box, click OUTPUT.
    Factor Analysis > Output

  2. On this screen, select:
    • Store the Factor Loadings/Weights/Statistics reports as tables in the database — Check this box to store the following reports, if selected, as tables in the database.
      • Factor Loadings
      • Factor Variables With Loadings
      • Factor Weights
      • Variable Statistics
    • Database Name — The name of the database to create the output tables in.
    • Output Table Prefix — The prefix to each of the output table names.

      For example, if my_factor_reports_ is entered here, the tables produced will be named as follows:

      my_factor_reports_ tables
      Report Filename
      Factor Loadings my_factor_reports_FL
      Factor Variables With Loadings my_factor_reports_FV
      Factor Weights my_factor_reports_FW
      Variable Statistics my_factor_reports_VS

      The contents of the tables match the contents of the reports except that there will be no fixed ordering of the rows (unless an ORDER BY clause is used when selecting from them).

    • Advertise Output — The Advertise Output option “advertises” output by inserting information into one or more of the Advertise Output metadata tables according to the type of analysis and the options selected in the analysis. Note that this check box will be disabled if the Always Advertise option is selected on the Connection Properties dialog box, because in this case advertising will be automatic.

      Advertise Output information may be viewed using the Advertise Maintenance dialog available from the Tools menu, from where the definition and contents of these tables may also be viewed. For more information, refer to Advertise Output.

    • Advertise Note — An Advertise Note may be specified if desired when the Advertise Output option is selected or when the Always Advertise option is selected on the Connection Properties dialog box. It is a free-form text field of up to 30 characters that may be used to categorize or describe the output.