On the Linear Regression dialog box, click OUTPUT.
Linear Regression > OUTPUT
On this screen, select:
- Store the variables table of this analysis in the database — Check this box to store the model variables table of this analysis in the database.
- Database Name — The name of the database to create the output table in.
- Output Table Name — The name of the output table.
- Advertise Output — The Advertise Output option “advertises” output by inserting information into one or more of the Advertise Output metadata tables according to the type of analysis and the options selected in the analysis.
Advertise Note — An Advertise Note may be specified if desired when the Advertise Output option is selected or when the Always Advertise option is selected on the Connection Properties dialog. It is a free-form text field of up to 30 characters that may be used to categorize or describe the output.
By way of an example, the tutorial example creates the following output table.
Column Name B Coefficient Standard Error T Statistic P-Value Lower Upper Standard Coefficient Incremental R-Squared SqMultiCorrCoef(1-Tolerance) nbr_children 0.8994 0.3718 2.4187 0.0158 0.1694 1.6294 0.0331 0.8787 0.1312 years_with_bank 0.2941 0.1441 2.0404 0.0417 0.0111 0.5771 0.0263 0.8794 0.0168 avg_sv_tran_cnt -0.7746 0.2777 -2.7887 0.0054 -1.3198 -0.2293 -0.036 0.8779 0.0207 avg_cc_bal -0.0174 0.0004 -41.3942 0 -0.0182 -0.0166 -0.6382 0.7556 0.3135 ckacct 10.2793 0.8162 12.5947 0 8.677 11.8815 0.1703 0.8732 0.1073 income 0.0005 0 24.5414 0 0.0005 0.0005 0.3777 0.8462 0.311 married -4.3056 0.8039 -5.3558 0 -5.8838 -2.7273 -0.0718 0.8766 0.0933 (Constant) -6.464 0.9749 -6.6301 0 -8.378 -4.55 0 0 If Database Name is twm_results and Output Table Name is test, the output table is defined as:
CREATE SET TABLE twm_results.test2 ( "Column Name" VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC, "B Coefficient" FLOAT, "Standard Error" FLOAT, "T Statistic" FLOAT, "P-Value" FLOAT, "Lower" FLOAT, "Upper" FLOAT, "Standard Coefficient" FLOAT, "Incremental R-Squared" FLOAT, "SqMultiCorrCoef(1-Tolerance)" FLOAT) UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ( "Column Name" );