On the Logistic Regression dialog box, click OUTPUT.
Logistic Regression > OUTPUT
On this screen, select:
- Store the variables table of this analysis in the database — Store the model variables table of this analysis in the database.
- Database Name — Name of the database to create the output table in.
- Output Table Name — Name of the output table.
- Advertise Output — “Advertises” output by inserting information into one or more of the Advertise Output metadata tables according to the type of analysis and the options selected in the analysis.
Advertise Note — Specify when the Advertise Output option is selected or when the Always Advertise option is selected on the Connection Properties dialog box. It is a free-form text field of up to 30 characters that may be used to categorize or describe the output.
By way of an example, the tutorial example produces the following output table.
Logistic Regression - OUTPUT Column Name B Coefficient Standard Error Wald Statistic T Statistic P-Value Odds Ratio Lower Upper Partial R Standardized Coefficient years_with_bank -0.09810298 0.04425111 4.914916 -2.216961 0.02692939 0.9065555 0.8312426 0.988692 -0.05305514 -0.1447171 avg_sv_tran_cnt -1.192052 0.2133107 31.22951 -5.588337 3.22526E-08 0.3035976 0.199861 0.4611782 -0.1680062 -0.9144165 avg_sv_tran_amt 0.03076234 0.00382432 64.70387 8.043871 3.552714E-15 1.03124 1.02354 1.038999 0.2460717 2.061767 ckacct 0.4656702 0.2365288 3.876044 1.968767 0.04935313 1.593081 1.002084 2.53263 0.04256337 0.1273216 avg_ck_tran_cnt -0.02276757 0.009613534 5.608763 -2.368283 0.01812726 0.9774897 0.9592441 0.9960823 -0.05903284 -0.1791964 married -0.6224939 0.2333676 7.115234 -2.66744 0.007810519 0.5366045 0.3396342 0.8478073 -0.07028251 -0.1714556 (Constant) -1.186426 0.2732929 18.84624 -4.341225 1.614427E-05 avg_sv_bal 0.003125305 0.0005598004 31.16868 5.582892 3.323695E-08 1.00313 1.00203 1.004231 0.1678313 2.625869 If Database Name is twm_results and Output Table Name is test, the output table is defined as:
CREATE SET TABLE twm_results.test ( "Column Name" VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC, "B Coefficient" FLOAT, "Standard Error" FLOAT, "Wald Statistic" FLOAT, "T Statistic" FLOAT, "P-Value" FLOAT, "Odds Ratio" FLOAT, "Lower" FLOAT, "Upper" FLOAT, "Partial R" FLOAT, "Standardized Coefficient" FLOAT) UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ( "Column Name" );