In this example, an Binomial analysis is performed on the fictitious banking data to analyze account usage.
Parameterize the Binomial analysis as follows:
- Available Tables — twm_customer_analysis
- First Column — avg_sv_bal
- Second Column — avg_ck_bal
- Group By Columns — gender
Analysis Parameters
- Threshold Probability — 0.05
- Single Tail — true
- Binomial Probability — 0.5
- Exact Matches — discarded
- Run the analysis.
Click Results when it completes.
For this example, the Binomial analysis generated the following. The Binomial was computed on average savings balance (column 1) vs. average check account balance (column 2), by gender. The test is a Z Test since N>100, and Z is 3.29 (not in answer set) so the one-sided test of the null hypothesis that p is ½ is rejected as shown in the table below.
Binomial Test Analysis (Table 1) gender N NPos NNeg BP BinomalCallP_0.05 F 366 217 149 0.0002 p M 259 156 103 0.0005 p Rerunning the test with parameter binomial probability set to 0.6 gives a different result: the one-sided test of the null hypothesis that p is 0.6 is accepted as shown in the table below.
Binomial Test Analysis (Table 2) gender N NPos NNeg BP BinomalCallP_0.05 F 366 217 149 0.3909 a M 259 156 103 0.4697 a