Association - INPUT - Expert Options - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 3Analytic Functions

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
July 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
  1. On the Association dialog box, click INPUT.
  2. Click expert options.
    Association > Input > Expert Options

  3. On this screen, select:
    • Where Conditions — An SQL WHERE clause may be specified here to provide further input filtering for only those groups or items that you are interested in. This works exactly like the Expert Options for the Descriptive Statistics, Transformation and Data Reorganization functions - only the condition itself is entered here.

      Using this option reduces the input data set - this can be saved for further processing using the Reduced Input Options. Using this option also invokes list-wise deletion, automatically removing from processing (and from the reduced input data) all rows containing a null Group, Item or Sequence column.

    • Include Hierarchy Table — A hierarchy lookup table may be specified to convert input items on both the left and right sides of the association rule to a higher level in a hierarchy if desired. Note that the column in the hierarchy table corresponding to the items in the input table must not contain repeated values, so effectively the items in the input table must match the lowest level in the hierarchy table. The following is an example of a three-level hierarchy table compatible with Association analysis, provided the input table matches up with the column ITEM1.
      Three-Level Hierarchy Table
      A P Y Savings Passbook Deposit
      B P Y Checking Passbook Deposit
      C W Z Atm Electronic Access
      D S X Charge Short Credit
      E T Y CD Term Deposit
      F T Y IRA Term Deposit
      G L X Mortgage Long Credit
      H L X Equity Long Credit
      I S X Auto Short Credit
      J W Z Internet Electronic Access

      Using this option reduces the input data set - this can be saved for further processing using the Reduced Input Options. Using this option also invokes list-wise deletion, automatically removing from processing (and from the reduced input data) all rows containing a null Group, Item or Sequence column.

      The following columns in the hierarchy table must be specified with this option.
      • Item Column — The name of the column that can be joined to the column specified by the Item Column option on the Select Column tab to look up the associated Hierarchy.
      • Hierarchy Column — The name of the column with the Hierarchy values.
    • Include Description Table — For reporting purposes, a descriptive name or label can be given to the items processed during the Association/Sequence analysis.
      • Item ID Column — The name of the column that can be joined to the column specified by the Item Column option on the Select Column tab (or Hierarchy Column option on the Hierarchies tab if hierarchy information is also specified) to look up the description.
      • Item Description Column — The name of the column with the descriptive values.
    • Include Left Side Lookup Table — A focus products table may be specified to process only those items that are of interest on the left side of the association.
      • Left Side Identifier Column — The name of the column where the Focus Products values exist for the left side of the association.
    • Include Right Side Lookup Table — A focus products table may be specified to process only those items that are of interest on the right side of the association.
      • Right Side Identifier Column — The name of the column where the Focus Products values exist for the right side of the association.