ST_GEOMETRY (Teradata Database) - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata® Warehouse Miner™ User Guide - Volume 2ADS Generation

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
November 2018
Product Category

This SQL element is a shortcut for the User Defined Method SQL element with the User Defined Type field set to ST_GEOMETRY. Selecting this element will display a listing of methods for the ST_GEOMETRY type, described in the following table.

Function Description
Constructor Method(s) The following constructor methods return a specified ST_Geometry value:
  • ST_Geometry Constructor (BLOB Form)
  • ST_Geometry Constructor (CLOB Form)
  • ST_Geometry Constructor (VARBYTE Form)
  • ST_Geometry Constructor (VARCHAR Form)
Make_2D Converts a 3D ST_Geometray value to a 2D ST_Geometry value, and optionally validates that the 2D geometry is well formed. This method strips the z coordinate from 3D geometries.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
MBB Returns the 3D minimum bounding box (MBB) that encloses a 3D ST_Geometry.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
SimplifyPreserveTopology Simplifies a geometry by removing points that would fall within a specified distance tolerance.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_3DDistance Returns the distance between two ST_Geometry values. ST_3DDistance considers z coordinate values, if they exist in the geometries passed to it.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_AsBinary Returns the well-known binary (WKB) representation of an ST_Geometry value.
ST_AsText Returns the well-known text (WKT) representation of an ST_Geometry value.
ST_Boundary Returns the boundary of the ST_Geometry value.
ST_Buffer Returns all points whose distance from an ST_Geometry value is less than or equal to a specified distance.
ST_Centroid Returns the mathematical centroid of an ST_Polygon or ST_MultiPolygon value.
ST_Contains Tests if an ST_Geometry value spatially contains another ST_Geometry value.
ST_ConvexHull Returns the convex hull of the ST_Geometry value.
ST_CoordDim Returns the coordinate dimension of a geometry.
ST_Crosses Tests if an ST_Geometry value spatially crosses another ST_Geometry value.
ST_Difference Returns an ST_Geometry value that represents the point set difference of two ST_Geometry values.
ST_Dimension Returns the dimension of the ST_Geometry type.
ST_Disjoint Tests if an ST_Geometry value is spatially disjoint from another ST_Geometry value.
ST_Distance Returns the minimum shortest difference between two ST_Geometry values.
ST_Envelope Returns the bounding rectangle for the ST_Geometry value.
ST_Equals Tests if an ST_Geometry value is spatially equal to another ST_Geometry value.
ST_GeometryType Returns the ST_Geometry type of the ST_Geometry value.
ST_Intersection Returns an ST_Geometry type where the value represents the point set intersection of two ST_Geometry values.
ST_Intersects Tests if an ST_Geometry value spatially intersects another ST_Geometry value.
ST_Is3D Tests if an ST_Geometry value has z coordinate values.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_IsEmpty Tests if an ST_Geometry value corresponds to the empty set.
ST_IsSimple Tests if an ST_Geometry value has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection tangency.
ST_IsValid Tests if an ST_Geometry value is well formed.
ST_MBR Returns the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an ST_Geometry value.
This method is deprecated. It has been replaced by the corresponding ST_Min or ST_Max methods for x, y, and z coordinates, which are ANSI compliant.

Returns the upper right X coordinate of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an ST_Geometry value.

This method is deprecated. It has been replaced by the corresponding ST_Min or ST_Max methods for x, y, and z coordinates, which are ANSI compliant.

Returns the lower left X coordinate of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an ST_Geometry value.

This method is deprecated. It has been replaced by the corresponding ST_Min or ST_Max methods for x, y, and z coordinates, which are ANSI compliant.

Returns the upper right Y coordinate of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an ST_Geometry value.

This method is deprecated. It has been replaced by the corresponding ST_Min or ST_Max methods for x, y, and z coordinates, which are ANSI compliant.

Returns the lower left Y-coordinate of the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of an ST_Geometry value.

ST_MinX Returns the minimum x coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_MinY Returns the minimum y coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_MinZ Returns the minimum z coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_MaxX Returns the maximum x coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_MaxY Returns the maximum y coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_MaxZ Returns the maximum z coordinate of an ST_Geometry value.
Requires Teradata 15.00 or later.
ST_Overlaps Tests if an ST_Geometry value spatially overlaps another ST_Geometry value.
ST_Relate Tests if an ST_Geometry value is spatially related to another ST_Geometry value.
ST_SRID_GET Get the spatial reference system identifier of the ST_Geometry value.
ST_SRID_SET Set the spatial reference system identifier of the ST_Geometry value.
ST_SymDifference Returns an ST_Geometry value that represents the point set symmetric difference of two ST_Geometry values.
ST_Touches Tests if an ST_Geometry value spatially touches another ST_Geometry value.
ST_Transform Returns an ST_Geometry value transformed to the specified spatial reference system.
ST_Union Returns an ST_Geometry value that represents the point set union of two ST_Geometry values.
ST_Within Tests if an ST_Geometry value is spatially within another ST_Geometry value.
ST_WKBToSQL Returns a specified ST_Geometry value.
ST_WKTToSQL Returns a specified ST_Geometry value.
Tessellate_Index Returns the smallest cell that contains this object. The Tessellate_Index method is based on the concept of a multiple level g_nx by g_ny grid. The return value is suitable to use as an index key.
This feature requires Teradata 13.00 or later and the three-dimensional functions (as specified in the above table) require Teradata 15.00 or later.