SQL String literal values consist of zero or more characters enclosed in single quotes and are treated as being of type character varying with length equal to the number of characters which are enclosed in quotes. The feature allowing specification of the character set is not supported. When dragging a literal String into a variable, the following tree element is created.
Variable Creation > Input > Variables: SQL Elements pane - Literals > String
No default string is provided - use the Properties panel to change it. Double-click on String or highlight and click Properties.
Variable Creation > Input > Variables: SQL Elements pane - Literals > String Properties
Type in any valid Teradata String literal.
The String literal will automatically be enclosed in quotes when SQL is generated for the literal. If a single quote mark is included in the String literal, it will automatically be “escaped” by doubling it. If, however, more than one quote mark is entered, the value is placed in the SQL “as-is”, without adding quote marks. This makes it possible to enter a hexadecimal literal if desired, such as '00'XC.