Splitting Workloads - Teradata Workload Analyzer

Teradata Workload Analyzer User Guide

Teradata Workload Analyzer
Release Number
September 2019
English (United States)
Restricted Access
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Splitting a workload breaks it into one or more separate workloads recursively, creating new workloads from the existing workload classifications.
  1. From the Candidate Workloads tree, right-click the workload you want to split.
  2. Select Split. The following table describes the Split Workloads dialog box options.
    Options Description
    Workload #1 Displays the source workload name. Below the name is its classification.
    Include Lists the classifications to be included before splitting the workload. Select the check box of the item to be included for the split.
    Exclude Lists the classifications to be excluded before splitting the workload. Select the check box of the item to be excluded for the split. The exclusion limits the split to requests that include the excluded object type. For more information, see Classification by Excluded Objects for Splitting and Merging Workloads.
    If Teradata WA 16.20 is connected to Teradata Database 12.00, the Include or Exclude options can be used for each classification type. If the system is connected to Teradata Database 13.00 and higher, both Include and Exclude options can be used for each classification type.
    Workload #2: (Evaluated First) Displays the destination workload name. The destination workload name is created by adding the suffix _SP1 to the source workload name. Below the name is its classification.
    Add New Classification Creates a new workload classification.
    Split Splits the source workload. The source workload’s classification is modified and a new split workload displays on the right panel.
    Advanced Activates the Copy, Move, and Remove options.
    Copy Copies the selected classification criteria items from the source workload to the split workload.
    Move Moves selected items from the source workload to the split workload destination tree.
    Remove Removes the selected classification items from the split workload classification tree and move them back to the source workload tree.
    Accept Saves the changes and closes the Split Workloads dialog box.
    Cancel Discards the changes and closes the Split Workloads dialog box.
  3. To add a new classification, click Add New Classification. The Add Workload Classification dialog box appears.
  4. Select the Choose another selection criteria check box. The --AND-- pane of the Add Workload Classification dialog box appears.
  5. Select a criteria from the drop-down list.

    Use the Choose button to further refine the new classification criteria.

    The following table describes Add Workload Classification dialog box options.

    Options Description
    Criteria #1 Selects the classification criteria.
    Includes Displays the selected objects within the chosen criteria.
    Choose Allows inclusion and exclusion of strings within the chosen criteria.
    Choose Another Selection Criteria Adds another classification criteria, with its own pull-down and object list.
    Show Creates a report of the classification criteria that may be saved, printed, or both.
    Restore Undoes changes to the classification criteria.
    OK Applies the classification changes.
    Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog box.
  6. To include or exclude strings within the chosen criteria, click Choose. The following table describes the Classify By... dialog box options.
    Options Description
    Include Includes the selected strings in the classification criteria.
    Exclude Excludes the selected strings from the classification criteria.
    Load Populates the Available classification strings list.
    Available Displays the available classification strings. If this list appears empty, click Load to populate it.
    Add Moves the highlighted classification string to Selected status.
    Remove Removes the highlighted classification string from Selected status.
    OK Applies the classification changes.
    Cancel Discards all changes and closes the dialog box.
  7. Click OK when satisfied with the Classify By... criteria and to exit the dialog box.
  8. Click OK to exit the Add Workload Classifications dialog box. The Split Workloads dialog box appears.
  9. From the source workload classification on the left panel, click the check boxes next to the analysis parameter clusters to be included in the destination workload classification.
  10. Select individual clusters or select all clusters at the analysis parameter hierarchy (by clicking the ClientAddr check box to select all the clusters in that directory). Each analysis parameter node (for example, UserName, AppID, and ClientAddr), contains cluster data that is either on the Included list or the Excluded list. Either include all clusters or exclude all clusters; it is not possible to do both.
  11. Click Split. The split workload is created and the existing source workload classification is modified. The name of the newly split workload contains the source workload classification’s name with the suffix of SP1 added.
  12. Click Accept to save the changes.