Viewing Workloads Using the Candidate Workload Report - Teradata Workload Analyzer

Teradata Workload Analyzer User Guide

Teradata Workload Analyzer
Release Number
September 2019
English (United States)
Restricted Access
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Candidate Workload Report window is divided into two panels:

  • The left panel displays the selected workloads in the Workloads tree. After a split or merge, the workloads tree is updated so that workloads appear according to their evaluation order. See Evaluation Order of Candidate Workloads for more information.
  • The right panel displays the Workloads Report. This is a list of available workloads.

For more information on how to navigate the options in the Candidate Workload report, see Overview.

Candidate Workload Report for Existing Workloads

Displayed Columns in the Workload Report
Column Name Description
Workloads Name of the workload
Percent of Total CPU Percentage of the total CPU time (in seconds) used on all AMPs by this session
Percent of Total I/O Percentage of the total number of logical input/output (reads and writes) issued across all AMPs by this session
Query Count Number of queries in this workload that completed during this collection interval
Avg Est Processing Time Average estimated processing time for this user
SLG Met Details

SLG Met, Goal %, Actual %, Remarks

Number of time the SLG was met for this workload, the goal percentage and actual percentage of SLG met, and comments for this workload
CPU Per Query (Seconds)

Min, Avg, StDev, 95th Percentile, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, 95th percentile, and maximum CPU seconds per queries for this workload
Response Time

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum result response time for this workload
Result Row Count

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum result rows returned for this workload
Disk I/O Per Query

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum disk I/O’s per query for this workload
CPU To Disk Ratio

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum CPU/Disk ratio for this workload
Active AMPS

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum number of active AMPs for this workload
Spool Usage (Bytes)

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum spool usage across all VProcs for this workload
CPU Skew (Percent)

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum AMP CPU skew for this workload
I/O Skew (Percent)

Min, Avg, StDev, Max

Minimum, average, standard deviation, and maximum of AMP I/O skew for this workload