See the following table for more information about the .Rule Set menu.
Menu option Sub menu option Description Save to Database Saves the rule set to the TDWM database. The TDWM database is locked as a rule set is saved.Workloads New Workload Adds a new workload to the Candidate Workload Report window. Merge Workloads Merges selected workloads into a single workload. Split workload Splits the selected workload into one or more workloads. Calculate SLGs Calculates the service level goals for the selected workload. Delete Workload Deletes a workload from the Candidate Workload Report window. Workload to AG Mapping Performs the workload definition to allocation group mapping Calculate All WDs SLGs Calculates service level goals for all defined workloads. The Rule Set menu is available when the Candidate Workload Report window is open. -
From the Add Workload dialog box, complete the options as appropriate for the new workload.
Option Description Name The name of the workload. Description A description of the workload. Enforcement Priority - Tactical – Short queries with a fixed response-time requirement.
- Priority – Important queries that should get extra resources.
- Normal – Normal queries; this is the default.
- Background – Low-priority queries with no response time requirement.
Click OK.
The newly created workload now displays in the Workloads Report section of the Candidate Workload Report window.