Example 1: Deep Drill Down Analysis - Teradata Workload Analyzer

Teradata Workload Analyzer User Guide

Teradata Workload Analyzer
Release Number
September 2019
English (United States)
Restricted Access
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Follow this example to learn more about deeper drill-down analysis in Teradata WA.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click .
    • Select Analysis > New Workload Recommendations.
    • Press Ctrl+W.
  2. Complete the options in the Define DBQL Inputs dialog box. In the Category box, select Account String. For more information, see Defining DBQL Inputs.
  3. Click OK. Teradata WA queries the DBQL.
    The query process may take several minutes.

    The Candidate Workload Report window appears with the Unassigned requests report.

  4. Select all the unassigned requests in the Unassigned requests report, and right-click to display the shortcut menu.
  5. Select Add To > New Workload.

    The Add Workload dialog box appears. For this example, the workload is named WD_ABC. The new workload displays in the Candidate Workloads Report.

    At this point, the CPU distribution of all workloads (1) is 100 percent.

  6. Right-click over WD-ABC for cluster analysis, and select Analyze Workload. The workload is analyzed and the Analyze Workload window appears.

    The Current Workload Classification list displays a summarization of the classification. The numbers adjacent to the current classification criteria type show the total number of elements for correlation, and minimum and maximum values for distribution classification parameters. For example:

    • Account String (2) – Two accounts are classified
    • Estimated Processing Time (0 - 200 secs) – Workload is classified for Estimated Processing Time between zero to 200 seconds)
  7. Click View Classification to view detailed classification of the workload.
  8. Click View Exception to view the exception definitions.
  9. From the Analyze Workload page, select the appropriate correlations from the Workload Correlation Parameter list and the Workload Distribution Parameter list. Note that there are 10 Applications found for the WD-ABC workload, making this a good candidate to analyze deeper.
  10. Click Perform Analysis. The Correlation Report and graph display.
    The workload WD-ABC must be split first from the original workload before selecting a TWA application for deeper analysis.

    Notice in the Correlation Report that the Application "TWA" has a significantly higher CPU,IO, and Avg Estimated ProcTime values than other Applications in the report. TWA is selected for deeper analysis.

  11. Right-click over TWA, from the shortcut menu, select Add Application clusters for deeper analysis. The Correlation Report and graph update with the remaining unassigned clusters, while Application "TWA" is assigned to the current workload for deeper analysis.

  12. Click the Data Filters tab at the bottom of the page to view the classification for the current workload. The Data Filters page displays.

    The CPU distribution of all workloads now breaks down to 94% for WD-ABC, and 6% Unassigned.

    If unassigned clusters are not added to current or new split workloads before saving the ruleset to the database, then all queries arrived for unassigned clusters are executed as part of the default workload (WD-Default).

    If the Application parameter is selected again, all nine unassigned clusters are brought back for subsequent operations (one cluster is assigned to the current workload).

  13. For this example, right-click over the remaining nine clusters in the Correlation Report.

  14. Select the Split to New Workload option or the Add clusters for deeper analysis option. For the purpose of this example, Split to New Workload is selected and the new workload is named WD-Others.

    The CPU distribution is now 7% for WD_Others. There are no unassigned requests.

    after drill-down split the rest WD_Others6% WD_ABC94%

  15. Save the rule set to the database for activation. See Step 5: Creating the Workloads for detailed instructions.