Getting to Know the Teradata WA Interface - Teradata Workload Analyzer

Teradata Workload Analyzer User Guide

Teradata Workload Analyzer
Release Number
September 2019
English (United States)
Restricted Access
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Teradata WA user interface provides options for developing workloads and allocating service level goals. The following table lists the menu items of the Teradata WA interface.

Menu Option Use More Information
File Connect Connects to Vantage. Displays the Connect dialog box requiring logon information.

Alternatively, click .

Connecting to Vantage as User tdwm
Disconnect Disconnects from Vantage.

Alternatively, click .

Disconnecting from Vantage
Exit Exits from Teradata Workload Analyzer. Exiting Teradata WA
View Toolbar Toggles the status of toolbar visibility.
Status Bar Toggles the status of status bar visibility.
Active Rule Set Displays the active workload rule set information.

Alternatively, click .

Viewing the Active Rule Set
Navigation Help Displays a checklist of tasks required to convert PDSets to Workloads.

Alternatively, click .

Using the Navigation Help
Analysis Convert PDSets to Workloads… Converts PDSet information created using the Priority Scheduler Administrator into equivalent workloads.

Alternatively, click .

PDSet to Workload Mapping Considerations
New Workload Recommendations Generates workload rules.

Alternatively, click .

Obtaining New Workload Recommendations
Existing Workload Analysis Starts the analysis of existing workloads.

Alternatively, click .

Existing Workload Analysis
Tools Teradata Dynamic Workload Manager Click .  
Define System Periods… Defines period definitions at the system level global to all workloads.

Alternatively, click .

Adding Initial Workload Periods for PSA Migration
Options Specifies application level options. Configuring Application Options
Help Help Contents Displays a browser window containing online Help contents and topics.

Alternatively, click .

Online Help for Teradata Workload Analyzer
About Teradata Workload Analyzer Displays the About dialog box that provides useful information about Teradata WA and the current database session, including database version and release numbers.

During the process of creating a new workload recommendation, the left pane of the window lists workload definitions as separate nodes in the Candidate Workloads tree. Additional nodes appear under each workload definition for attributes and service level goals. (By design, the Default workload definition does not have service level goals.)

Candidate Workloads Tree (Left Pane)

To toggle display of workloads on and off, from the View menu, click View Workloads. When you check this menu option (checked is the default), the Teradata WA user interface displays the Candidate Workloads tree; otherwise, it is not displayed.