Estimated Cost Report - Visual Explain

Teradata Visual Explain User Guide

Visual Explain
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Estimated Cost report provides cost estimates for each step. Use this report to analyze the cost estimate variations of two plans. For example, the cost differences of plans captured on two different configurations, or the differences of plans captured at two instances, or with changing demographics of tables.

To view the steps that take the most time or the least time to execute, double-click the column headings to sort the rows.

To emulate different physical configurations on one system and capture the plans, use the Set TLE and Reset TLE features of the Teradata System Emulation Tool application. For more information on target level emulation, refer to the Teradata System Emulation Tool User Guide (B035-2492).

Sample Estimated Cost Report

The following table describes the information displayed on the Estimated Cost report.

Estimated Cost Report Column and Row Descriptions 
Column or Row Description
Step Number of a specific step in the plan.
Estimated CPU Cost Estimated CPU cost of the step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (HH:MM:SS:mm).
Estimated IO Cost Estimated I/O cost of the step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (HH:MM:SS:mm).
Estimated Network Cost Estimated network cost of the step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (HH:MM:SS:mm).
Estimated Heuristic Cost Estimated heuristic cost of the step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (HH:MM:SS:mm).
Estimated Cost Estimated cost of the individual step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (
Cost Difference Absolute value of the cost difference for the specific step in hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (
% Difference Percent difference in the cost for the specific step.

Steps that have a higher variance than the user-specified threshold value are highlighted in red.

Total Cost Called the summary row, the bottom row of the report displays the overall cost variance between the plans. The format of this row differs from the other rows to indicate that it is a summary row.