ST_Geometry Type Limitations | Geospatial Data Types | Teradata Vantage - Limitations - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Geospatial Data Types

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The maximum size of an ST_Geometry type is approximately 16 MB, allowing for representations of approximately one million points.

The 16 MB limit applies to the following:
  • Any WKB representation that is passed into the ST_Geometry type (for example, cast, ST_Geometry constructor method)
  • Any WKB representation that is returned from the ST_Geometry type (for example, cast, ST_AsBinary)
  • Any WKT representation that is passed into the ST_Geometry type (for example, ToSQL transform, cast, ST_Geometry constructor method)
  • Any ST_Geometry method (for example, ST_Union, ST_Buffer) that produces a geometry with a WKB that exceeds the 16 MB limit is reported as an error.

WKT representations returned from the ST_Geometry type (for example, cast, ST_AsText) can exceed the approximate 16 MB limit. These cases typically occur when the corresponding WKB is large, but less than 16 MB, and the corresponding WKT exceeds 16 MB. Note that if the returned WKT representation exceeds 16 MB, this text representation of the geometry can no longer be input back into the ST_Geometry object, because it exceeds the size limit. In these cases, use the WKB representation instead.

Any restrictions that apply to a LOB type and to a UDT type also apply to the ST_Geometry types that are stored as LOBs. For example, for these types the maximum number of ST_Geometry columns in a table is the same as the maximum number of LOB columns in a table. Additionally, Teradata load utilities that cannot directly load LOB types similarly cannot load these ST_Geometry types.