/*************************************************************************** * * TITLE: flnfyext.c .... an example notify exit... * * Copyright(C) 1996-2005, 2007-2014, 2016 by Teradata Corporation. * All Rights Reserved. * Teradata Corporation CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET * * This copyrighted material is the Confidential, Unpublished * Property of the Teradata Corporation. This copyright notice and * any other copyright notices included in machine readable * copies must be reproduced on all authorized copies. * * * Description This file is a sample user exit routine for * processing NOTIFY events * * History Information * * Revision Date JIRA DID Comments * ----------- -------- -------- -------- -------------------------------------- * 06/03/16 SA-47292 CD185012 Change from long to int * 03202013 SA-30235 NT185003 Change MAXDBASENAMELEN to 62 * 02182013 SA-29748 NT185003 FastLoad Notify Exit changes for * 10192012 SA-28595 NT185003 FL supports Notify Exit EON * Database name * * Revision Date DCR DID Comments * ----------- -------- ----- -------- -------------------------------------- * 06292012 SA-1863 NT185003 Support 8-byte row count (DR141961) * 03112011 117582 AS185203 EON Support * 11152010 141961 NT185003 Support 8 byte row count * 11032010 109902 SV185048 Added database name to notify * 09072007 114414 NT185003 Teradata Corporation Copyright * 09012007 100894 SV185048 Visual Studio 8.0 build * 09292005 96206 CSG Port to HPUX-IA64 platform * 06182004 68859 XX151000 Back out branding changes * 01142004 68859 XX151000 Change DBS to TERADATA DATABASE * 07/10/98 42517 SF3 Redesign User Exit Interface * 04/04/97 34579 SF3 Initial Version * * * Notes The entry point to this User Exit must * be called "_dynamn" * Notes DR141961 and SA-1863 : support 8 byte row counters * To display correctly, please use the events: * * NFEventCheckPoint64 = 13 * NFEventPhaseIEnd64 = 14 * NFEventPhaseIIEnd64 = 15 * NFEventDropErrTableI64 = 16 * NFEventDropErrTableII64= 17 * * instead of * * NFEventCheckPoint = 3 * NFEventPhaseIEnd = 4 * NFEventPhaseIIEnd = 6 * NFEventDropErrTableI = 7 * NFEventDropErrTableII = 8 * * Note SA-28595, please use 2 new events * * NFEventInitializeEON = 18 * NFEventPhaseIBeginEON = 19 * * * FastLoad works with both OLD and NEW Notify Exit. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> /* DR 96206 --> */ typedef int Int32; typedef unsigned int UInt32; #ifdef WIN32 typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64 ; /* DR141961 */ #else typedef uint64_t UInt64 ; /* DR141961 */ #endif /* DR 96206 <-- */ typedef enum { NFEventInitialize = 0 , NFEventFileInmodOpen = 1 , NFEventPhaseIBegin = 2 , NFEventCheckPoint = 3 , NFEventPhaseIEnd = 4 , NFEventPhaseIIBegin = 5 , NFEventPhaseIIEnd = 6 , NFEventDropErrTableI = 7 , NFEventDropErrTableII = 8 , NFEventDBSRestart = 9 , NFEventCLIError = 10 , NFEventDBSError = 11 , NFEventExit = 12 , /* DR141961 ==> */ NFEventCheckPoint64 = 13 , NFEventPhaseIEnd64 = 14 , NFEventPhaseIIEnd64 = 15 , NFEventDropErrTableI64 = 16 , NFEventDropErrTableII64= 17 , /* DR141961 <== */ /* SA-28595 ==> */ NFEventInitializeEON = 18 , NFEventPhaseIBeginEON = 19 /* SA-28595 <== */ } NfyFLDEvent; #define ID_FASTLOAD 1 #define ID_MULTILOAD 2 #define ID_FASTEXPORT 3 #define ID_BTEQ 4 #define ID_TPUMP 5 #define MAXVERSIONIDLEN 32 #define MAXUTILITYNAMELEN 32 #define MAXUSERNAMELEN 64 #define MAXUSERSTRLEN 80 #define MAXTABLENAMELEN 128 #define MAXFILENAMELEN 256 #define MAXDBASENAMELEN 62 /* DR109902 */ /* SA-30235 */ #define MAXUINT64 24 /* DR141961 */ typedef struct _FLNotifyExitParm { Int32 Event; union { struct { UInt32 VersionLen; char VersionId[MAXVERSIONIDLEN]; UInt32 UtilityId; UInt32 UtilityNameLen; char UtilityName[MAXUTILITYNAMELEN]; UInt32 UserNameLen; char UserName[MAXUSERNAMELEN]; UInt32 UserStringLen; char UserString[MAXUSERSTRLEN]; } Initialize; /* SA-28595 ==> */ struct { UInt32 VersionLen; char VersionId[MAXVERSIONIDLEN]; UInt32 UtilityId; UInt32 UtilityNameLen; char UtilityName[MAXUTILITYNAMELEN]; UInt32 UserNameLen; char *UserName; UInt32 UserStringLen; char UserString[MAXUSERSTRLEN]; } InitializeEON; /* SA-28595 <== */ struct { UInt32 FileNameLen; char FileOrInmodName[MAXFILENAMELEN]; } FileInmodOpen ; struct { UInt32 TableNameLen; char TableName[MAXTABLENAMELEN]; char DBaseName[MAXDBASENAMELEN]; /* DR109902 */ /* SA-29748 */ UInt32 dummy; } PhaseIBegin ; /* SA-28595 ==> */ struct { UInt32 TableNameLen; char *TableName; char *DBaseName; /* SA-29748 */ UInt32 dummy; } PhaseIBeginEON ; /* SA-28595 <== */ struct { UInt32 RecordCount; } CheckPoint; /* DR141961 ==> */ struct { char RecordCount[MAXUINT64]; } CheckPoint64; /* DR141961 <== */ struct { UInt32 RecsRead; UInt32 RecsSkipped; UInt32 RecsRejected; UInt32 RecsSent; } PhaseIEnd ; /* DR141961 ==> */ struct { char RecsRead[MAXUINT64]; char RecsSkipped[MAXUINT64]; char RecsRejected[MAXUINT64]; char RecsSent[MAXUINT64]; } PhaseIEnd64 ; /* DR141961 <== */ struct { UInt32 dummy; } PhaseIIBegin; struct { UInt32 Inserts; UInt32 dummy1; UInt32 dummy2; UInt32 dummy3; } PhaseIIEnd; /* DR141961 ==> */ struct { char Inserts[MAXUINT64]; UInt32 dummy1; UInt32 dummy2; UInt32 dummy3; } PhaseIIEnd64; /* DR141961 <== */ struct { UInt32 Rows; UInt32 dummy; } DropErrTableI; /* DR141961 ==> */ struct { char Rows[MAXUINT64]; UInt32 dummy; } DropErrTableI64; /* DR141961 <== */ struct { UInt32 Rows; UInt32 dummy; } DropErrTableII ; /* DR141961 ==> */ struct { char Rows[MAXUINT64]; UInt32 dummy; } DropErrTableII64 ; /* DR141961 <== */ struct { UInt32 dummy; } DBSRestart; struct { UInt32 ErrorCode; } CLIError; struct { UInt32 ErrorCode; } DBSError; struct { UInt32 ReturnCode; } Exit; } Vals; } FLNotifyExitParm; /************************************************************************* * * CODE STARTS HERE * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 __declspec(dllexport) Int32 _dynamn(FLNotifyExitParm *P) #else Int32 _dynamn(FLNotifyExitParm *P) #endif { static FILE *fp; if (!fp) { #ifdef I370 if (!(fp = fopen("NFYEXIT", "w"))) return(1); #else if (!(fp = fopen("NFYEXIT.OUT", "w"))) return(1); #endif } switch(P->Event) { case NFEventInitialize : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad Notify initialization.\n"); fprintf(fp, " Version Id: %s.\n", P->Vals.Initialize.VersionId); fprintf(fp, " Utility Id: %d.\n", P->Vals.Initialize.UtilityId); fprintf(fp, " Utility Name: %s.\n", P->Vals.Initialize.UtilityName); fprintf(fp, " User Name: %s.\n", P->Vals.Initialize.UserName); break; /* SA-28595 ==> */ case NFEventInitializeEON : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad Notify initialization.\n"); fprintf(fp, " Version Id: %s.\n", P->Vals.InitializeEON.VersionId); fprintf(fp, " Utility Id: %d.\n", P->Vals.InitializeEON.UtilityId); fprintf(fp, " Utility Name: %s.\n", P->Vals.InitializeEON.UtilityName); fprintf(fp, " User Name: %s.\n", P->Vals.InitializeEON.UserName); break; /* SA-28595 <== */ case NFEventFileInmodOpen : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad file/inmod open: %s.\n", P->Vals.FileInmodOpen.FileOrInmodName); break; case NFEventPhaseIBegin : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (start) for Database %s.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIBegin.DBaseName); /* DR109902 */ fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (start) for table %s.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIBegin.TableName); break; /* SA-28595 ==> */ case NFEventPhaseIBeginEON : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (start) for Database %s.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIBeginEON.DBaseName); /* DR109902 */ fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (start) for table %s.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIBeginEON.TableName); break; /* SA-28595 <== */ case NFEventCheckPoint : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad checkpoint : %lu records loaded.\n", P->Vals.CheckPoint.RecordCount); break; /* DR141961 ==> */ case NFEventCheckPoint64 : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad checkpoint : %s records loaded.\n", P->Vals.CheckPoint64.RecordCount); break; /* DR141961 <== */ case NFEventPhaseIEnd : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (end).\n"); fprintf(fp, " Records read: %lu\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd.RecsRead); fprintf(fp, " Records skipped: %lu\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd.RecsSkipped); fprintf(fp, " Records rejected: %lu\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd.RecsRejected); fprintf(fp, " Records sent: %lu\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd.RecsSent); break; /* DR141961 ==> */ case NFEventPhaseIEnd64 : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase I (end).\n"); fprintf(fp, " Records read: %s\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd64.RecsRead); fprintf(fp, " Records skipped: %s\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd64.RecsSkipped); fprintf(fp, " Records rejected: %s\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd64.RecsRejected); fprintf(fp, " Records sent: %s\n", P->Vals.PhaseIEnd64.RecsSent); break; /* DR141961 <== */ case NFEventPhaseIIBegin : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase II (start).\n"); break; case NFEventPhaseIIEnd : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase II (end): %lu records loaded.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIIEnd.Inserts); break; /* DR141961 ==> */ case NFEventPhaseIIEnd64 : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad phase II (end): %s records loaded.\n", P->Vals.PhaseIIEnd64.Inserts); break; /* DR141961 <== */ case NFEventDropErrTableI : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad ET 1 Drop : %lu records in table.\n", P->Vals.DropErrTableI.Rows); break; /* DR141961 ==> */ case NFEventDropErrTableI64 : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad ET 1 Drop : %s records in table.\n", P->Vals.DropErrTableI64.Rows); break; /* DR141961 <== */ case NFEventDropErrTableII : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad ET 2 Drop : %lu records in table.\n", P->Vals.DropErrTableII.Rows); break; /* DR141961 ==> */ case NFEventDropErrTableII64 : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad ET 2 Drop : %s records in table.\n", P->Vals.DropErrTableII64.Rows); break; /* DR141961 <== */ case NFEventDBSRestart : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad detects DBS restart.\n"); break; case NFEventCLIError : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad detects CLI error: %d.\n", P->Vals.CLIError.ErrorCode); break; case NFEventDBSError : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad detects DBS error: %d.\n", P->Vals.DBSError.ErrorCode); break; case NFEventExit : fprintf(fp, "exit called @ FastLoad exiting. Return code: %d.\n", P->Vals.Exit.ReturnCode); fclose(fp); break; } return(0); } /****************************************************************************** * * End of FlNfyExt.c * ******************************************************************************/