Teradata FastLoadは、以下の統計情報を表示します。
1) At the end of the Acquisition Phase Acquisition Phase statistics: Elapsed time: 00:07:43 (hh:mm:ss) CPU time: 94.89 Second(s) MB/sec: 41.19 MB/cpusec: 200.99 The abbreviation "MB/sec"'s longhand is megabytes (Total data FastLoad sends) per elapsed second. The abbreviation "MB/cpusec"'s longhand is megabytes( Total data FastLoad sends) per cpu second. 2) At the end of the application phase: Application Phase statistics: Elapsed time: 00:02:43 (hh:mm:ss) These performance statistics could be varied on different platforms. An example of statistics output: FastLoad displays at the end of Acquisition: **** 11:53:09 Acquisition Phase statistics: Elapsed time: 00:00:13 (in hh:mm:ss) CPU time: 1.69 Seconds MB/sec: 4.25 MB/cpusec: 32.68 FastLoad displays at the end of Application Phase: **** 11:53:13 Application Phase statistics: Elapsed time: 00:00:04 (in hh:mm:ss)