Deploy the VantageCore VMware Quick Start on an ESXi Host - Deploying VantageCore VMware Quick Start on an ESXi Host - Teradata VantageCore VMware

Teradata® VantageCore VMware Quick Start

Teradata VantageCore VMware
Release Number
November 2024
Product Category
PrerequisiteVerify the database VMware templates are in the /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates directory.
  1. Deploy the SWS OVA with a public/lab IP address.
    This will be the deployer VM.
    1. Add a new network adapter to the deployer VM.
    2. Power on the deployer VM.
    3. If DCHP Network: The deployer VM will automatically obtain an IP address.
    4. If Static Network: Edit the /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/sysconfig/network/routes, and /etc/resolv.conf files.
    5. Once the VM has an IP address, use SSH to copy the template OVA images into opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates.
  2. Log on to the deployer VM using ssh.
  3. Start powerCLI:



  4. Initiate the deployer:
    1. Access vCenter (specify the IP address or FQDN).
    2. Specify the VMware vCenter that is managing the ESXi hosts.
    3. Specify the server credentials (user and password). Specify the vCenter user name and password.
  5. If the deployer is being run for the first time, you will have the option to deploy in Developer Mode or Production Mode.
    1. Developer Mode: Monitoring applications are optional and there is no support available.
    2. Production Mode: Monitoring applications deploy as default and is fully supported by Teradata.
  6. If developer mode or production mode was selected, this display will show:
    "Re-Entrant Deployment Detected. Previous Deployment - Quick Start [Deployment Mode]."
    Do you want to continue with this deployment or start over?
  7. If the deployer detects previously entered values, you have the option to continue the deployment or initiate a new deployment.
    "Previous Deployment was a [Deployment Option]. Do you want to continue with this deployment or start over?
    "Do you want to continue where you left off?

    If you type Y, the deployment displays the next prompt in the deployment menu.

    If you type D, the deployment displays the current state of all input fields.

    If you type S, you can start over the process to input all the fields.

    If you select the Developer Mode, then the applications are optional.

  8. Type the task number corresponding to the deployment you want to perform:
    • 1: Single VM database plus applications such as Server Management (CMIC), Data Stream Center (DSC), and Viewpoint (VP).
    • 2: 2-VM database plus applications such as Server Management (CMIC), Data Stream Center (DSC), and Viewpoint (VP).
  9. Specify the Site ID.
  10. Specify the database name.
  11. Specify the ESXi host.
  12. Specify the number of physical cores for each VM.
  13. Specify the memory in MB for each VM.
    The list varies depending on the number of datastores on the ESXi host.
  14. Type the value corresponding to the datastore.
  15. Specify the database storage in GB for each VM.
  16. Specify the domain.
    The domain name is the network domain that your system will be accessible from.
  17. Specify the public port group.
  18. Specify the public port group subnet mask.
  19. Specify the primary DNS IP.
    The primary DNS server should be valid for the deployed systems.
  20. Specify the secondary DNS IP.
    The secondary DNS server should be valid for the deployed systems.
  21. Specify the primary NTP Address.
    The NTP server is used for clock synchronization for your VMs.
  22. Specify the secondary NTP Address.
  23. Specify the BYNET port group.
  24. Specify the BYNET port group 2.
  25. Specify the OS timezone.
    Enter in the OS timezone identifier, for example, US/Pacific. Refer to the readme for acceptable formats. The default is US/Pacific.
  26. Database VM 1

  27. Specify the VM name.
  28. Specify the VM database IP address.
  29. Enter the value associated with the database template.
    The deployer locates the template in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates
  30. Database VM 2

  31. Specify the VM name.
  32. Specify the VM database IP address.
  33. Enter the value associated with the database template.
    The deployer locates the template in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates
  34. Data Stream Control (DSC)

  35. Specify the VM name.
  36. Specify the IP address.
  37. Enter the value associated with the DSC template.
    The deployer locates the template in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates
  38. Viewpoint (VP)

  39. Specify the VM name.
  40. Specify the IP address.
  41. Enter the value associated with the CMIC template.
    The deployer locates the template in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates
  42. Server Managment (CMIC)

  43. Specify the VM name.
  44. Specify the IP address.
  45. Enter the value associated with the Viewpoint template.
    The deployer locates the template in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Templates
  46. Deployment Verification

  47. The values you entered are printed on-screen and the following prompt appears:Deployment Options
    Choice Action
    Y The deployment configures your environment with the values you specified.
    Setup takes about one hour to complete.
    The process includes a VMware Tool version check. Messages noting out-of-date versions or unknown OS can be ignored.
    1. Specify the line item for the value you want to modify.
    2. Enter the new value.
    R The deployment re-initiates. The deployer attempts to use previous inputs, if applicable.
    C To modify the deployment size, type the task number corresponding to the deployment you want to perform:
    • 1: Single VM database plus optional applications such as Server Management (CMIC), Data Stream Center (DSC), and Viewpoint (VP)
    • 2: 2-VM database plus optional applications such as Server Management (CMIC), Data Stream Center (DSC), and Viewpoint (VP)
    The deployer attempts to use previous inputs, if applicable. You can specify to back up the entire deployment or choose line by line what fields to replace.
    E The deployer terminates. The values you entered are saved and you can re-initiate the deployer in a future session.
    T To deploy TMS applications:
    1. Select the TMS application to configure.
    2. Specify the VM name and IP address.
    3. Select the application template.

    In the Production Mode, you can include two more instances of Server Management (CMIC) and one instance each of Data Mover and QueryGrid Manager.

    In the Developer Mode, you can include up to three instances of Server Management (CMIC), one instance each of DSC, Viewpoint, Data Mover, and QueryGrid Manager.

    H To configure different ESXi Host for the TMS applications:
    1. Enter the ESXi Host
    2. Select a Datastore from the list of datastores that are attached to the Host
    This options is applicable to Query Service Production Mode only.
    A To add Custom Fields to the Common Properties file by Teradata Administrators only:
    1. Enter the name of the Custom Field
    2. Enter the value of the Custom Field
    ? The help menu displays.
    V Shutdown and Delete the VM's.
    T To add TMS apps (DSC, VP, CMIC, DM, QGM).