After deploying Server Management, you must open an incident in the Teradata customer portal to use and configure ServiceConnect. This process can take several days to complete, so plan accordingly.
- Go to
- Log in.
- Under Service Request, select .
- Select the Site ID from the menu.
- At Incident Type, select Other/Not Sure.
- At Incident Severity, select a severity.For a list of severity definitions, select the question mark above the menu selection arrow. Press Esc to close the window.
- In Incident Synopsis, type Request to Complete CMIC Configuration and Test for VantageCore VMware and include which tier you are using.
- In Incident Description, repeat the synopsis along with any additional information that is helpful.
- At Contact Information, enter your name, email address, and telephone number.
- Click Submit.
- Monitor the incident.This process can take several days to complete.
- After Teradata Services validates the connection, close the incident.