Deploying the TPA nodes and optional single instances of the Ecosystem components is constrained by processing cores, memory, networking, and storage available on the target host that supports the required virtual machines.
ESXi Host Requirements
- ESXi host with a vCenter managing it.
- All VM images are installed on a single ESXi host.
Deployer Instance Requirements
The Software Work Station (SWS) OVA file contains the Quick Start deployer scripts.
- The database OVA file contains the Quick Start deployer scripts.
- The deployer can be on the same ESXi host or a different one.
- The deployer instance must have network connectivity to target vCenter/ESXi.
- The deployer needs an IP address (static or DHCP).
- A network adapter must be attached to the VM.
- The deployer instance has Quick Start software installed.
- The deployer instance has PWSH installed.
Database VMware Templates
Obtain the VM OVA templates from the email you received when you purchased VantageCore VMware Quick Start and place them on the deployer instance at the following location within the OS file system:
Important: Do not rename the template filenames during the copy, sftp, and so on.
Quick Start Upgrade Process
To upgrade your existing Quick Start instance to the latest version:
- Obtain the Quick Start .rpm from the email you received when you purchased VantageCore VMware Quick Start and place it on the deployer instance in any location.
- Check for Quick Start software
rpm -qa | grep tdvm-quickstart
Complete one of the following tasks depending on the result of your check:
- If the software is not found, copy tdvm-quickstart-*.rpm to the deployer instance and install
rpm -ivh tdvm-quickstart-*.rpm
- If the software is found and a lower version exists, copy tdvm-quickstart-*.rpm to the deployer instance and upgrade
rpm -Uvh tdvm-quickstart-*.rpm
The upgrade process will override the existing property files. Ensure to make a backup of the property files in /opt/teradata/tdvm-quickstart/Teradata_Deployer/Properties.