Create or Edit a Database Connection | Vantage Analyst - Creating or Editing a Database Connection - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
May 2022
Product Category
Teradata Applications
  1. Select "" > Configuration > Connections.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    Option Action
    Create new Select Create New.
    Edit existing Either select the connection or select "" > Edit.
  3. On the Connection details page, enter a unique Connection name and an optional Description.
  4. On the Connection type page, select Database then enter the Server name and Default database.

    If the Server name is longer than 128 characters, enter an IP address instead.

    You cannot change the Connection type after saving the connection.
  5. [Optional] Specify Connection Properties.

    The TMODE=TERA option prevents issues with table names and column names not matching in case usage (uppercase versus lowercase) when working with rules.

  6. On the Authentication page, enter the Analytical user name and Password. By default, the Analytical user also performs Tactical tasks.
    Your database administrator should create an Analytical user login for use with the connection to support all sessions with access to the databases and tables used by the system.
    The password is encrypted and cannot be edited after saving the connection. To change the password, select Reset and enter a new password.
    1. To have the Tactical user perform tactical tasks, clear the Use Analytical user for Tactical tasks check box, then enter the Tactical user name and Password.
    2. [Optional] Enter a name in User query band. Use this field to pass additional information to the database to support workload management or query logging.
  7. Select Save Connection.