Create/Edit an SFTP Data Integration | Vantage Analyst - Creating or Editing an SFTP Data Integration - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
May 2022
Product Category
Teradata Applications
  1. Select "" > Configuration > Data integrations.

    You can also create an integration directly from a workflow. See Creating a Workflow.

  2. Choose one of the following options:
    Option Action
    Create new Select Create New and select SFTP integration.
    Clone existing Select "" > Clone.
    Edit existing Either select the data integration or select "" > Edit.
  3. On the Integration details page, enter a unique Name, an optional Description, and select the direction for this data integration.
    Direction Description
    Inbound Use to configure and import (ingest) data from an external system.
    Outbound Use to export (transfer) data to an external system.
    You can't change the Data direction after saving the data integration.
  4. On the Connection page, select the Source and Destination connections.
    The connections (Database and SFTP) must already exist. See Connections.
    It can take up to 10 minutes for new databases to become available.
    Direction Source Destination
    Inbound Select an SFTP Connection. Select a database Connection, Database, and Table.
    Outbound Select a database Connection, Database, and Table. Select an SFTP Connection.
  5. On the Choose and map attributes page, select the fields to use in the data integration.
    By default, the system preselects all the fields.
    Direction Description
    1. Select the fields to use from the the Source sample format, defined as part of the connection. See Creating or Editing an SFTP Connection.
    2. Map each selected source field to a Destination database field.

      You must select and map at least one field.

    1. Select the fields to use from the Destination field.

      You must select fields on this page that you intend to use as sort options in the next step.

    2. [Optional] Create an alias for each field.

      The system uses the alias (if added) or the database column header as the column header in the generated file.

  6. For an inbound data integration:
    1. On the Input format page, enter the source File name.
      If blank, Vantage Analyst uses all files in the SFTP location. Use ? and * as wildcards in the file name to represent single or multiple characters.
    2. [Optional] Select Include header row if the first row of the source file contains header information.
    3. Use the Field and String delimiter fields to define the structure of the source file.
      The formatting selections must match the delimiter formatting in the source files.
  7. For an outbound data integration:
    1. On the Sort output page, specify the output order of the attributes in the output document and their sort order.
    2. In the Attributes palette, select and drag the attributes to change the order in which they appear in the output document.
      Only fields you selected on the Choose and map attributes page are available.
    3. [Optional] In the Records palette, select + to add a field to use to sort the output document.

      You can add multiple fields, then select and drag the fields to change the sort order.

      If the sort Records are empty, the output document is sorted in the order as read from the database source.
  8. For an outbound data integration:
    1. On the Output format page, specify the File name and Extension of the output document.
    2. [Optional] Select ISO date or ISO timestamp to add a date or timestamp, respectively, to the file name.
    3. [Optional] To specify a maximum file size for the output file, select the Maximum file size option and enter the size (in MB or GB).
      If the data transfer exceeds this size, the system generates additional files. These additional files have a three-digit sequential number (such as 001 or 002) appended to the file name. The system adds additional digits, if needed.
    4. [Optional] Select Include header row if the first row of the output file should contain header information.
    5. Use the Field, String, Record, End of file, and End of output delimiter fields to define the structure of the output file.
  9. Select Save Data Integration.