Define Path Parameters and Run Analysis | Vantage Analyst - Defining Path Parameters and Running Analysis - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
May 2022
Product Category
Teradata Applications
  1. Select "" > Path.
  2. On the Select system page, select the System, and one of the following authentication methods:
    Option Description
    Use current session Use the current user's session.
    Enter credentials Enter the Username and Password of a user with access to the selected system.
  3. Define the path parameters.
    Parameter Description
    Path count Defines the number of pattern-matching paths to display.
    The larger the number, the more unique paths display.
    Data source Select the Event Database and Table.
    The event table must end with _events.
    Events Pattern For the Starting and Ending Patterns, select a specific event (or use the Any event or Use all events options).
    Filter events does not affect the list of selectable events.

    Select "" to reverse the event path order.

    Select specific start event (Starting pattern) and ending event (Ending pattern), or use Any Event.

    [Optional] Select Starting anchor to define Event A as the starting anchor or Event B as the ending anchor in the path .

    You can also define:
    • Minimum and maximum number of events in the path
    • If the analysis allows for overlap
    Filter events Select Use all events, or to analyze a subset of events, use Selected events.
    Filter events works when you select Run. It does not limit selectable events for Event A or Event B.
    Filter attributes [Optional] Select + Add a Filter to create a filter to limit the data.

    Select the Column, Filter type (such as Equals or Contains), and Value for the filter, and select Save.

    Select "" to edit or delete an existing filter.

    Date range [Optional] Use Start and End dates to limit events to a specific date range.
    Session Use Field and Value to define the session using a datestamp, entity_id, event, or session_id.
  4. [Optional] Select Show SQL to preview the generated SQL.
  5. Select Run.