Create a Destination Table | Vantage Analyst - Creating a Destination Table - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
May 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Applications
  1. From Map and Calculate, select a Database.
  2. Select Create new table from the Table list.
  3. Enter a unique table name in New table name and select a New table type.
  4. To import the definition of an existing table:
    1. Hover over "" to display "".
    2. Select "" , then specify the Database and Table.
    3. Select Import Columns.

      The imported columns are appended to any columns that have already been specified, and existing columns are not overwritten. If you want to overwrite, remove the existing columns before or after importing.

      Imported definitions can be edited after import.

  5. To manually create a destination table, do any of the following:
    Option Action
    Map a source column into the destination field
    1. Select "" > Field.
    2. Click in Select a field and select a field.
    3. Select "" to populate Column name, Column type, Length, and Precision based on the source field.

      The source fields can be modified

    4. Select or clear Index, as needed.
    5. [Optional] Select "" to add more fields to the table.
    6. [Optional] Select "" to reorder columns.
    Create a formula to populate the destination field
    1. Select "" > Formula.
    2. Enter a Formula Name.
    3. Select a Type.
    4. In the Formula Builder, select the Fields, Functions, or Variables tabs and select options to create a formula.
    5. Select Save and Close.
    6. Select "" to populate Column name, Column type, Length, and Precision based on the source field.

      The source fields can be modified

    7. Select or clear Index, as needed.
    8. [Optional] Select "" to add more fields to the table.
    9. [Optional] Select "" to reorder columns.
    To remove a map column, select "" > Remove.
  6. [Optional] Include a variable in a column:
    Option Action
    Add a variable
    1. Select "" > Formula.
    2. In Formula Builder, select Variables.
    3. By Rule Variables, select ""
    4. Complete variable information.
    5. Select Create Variable.
    Edit a variable
    1. Select "" > Formula.
    2. In Formula Builder, select Variables.
    3. Hover over a Rule Variable, then select "" > Edit.
    4. Update the variable information.
    5. Select Save Variable.
    Delete a variable
    1. Select "" > Formula.
    2. In Formula Builder, select Variables.
    3. Hover over a Rule Variable, then select "" > Delete.
    4. Select Yes.
  7. Select Create Table.
  8. Select Continue.