Edit a Workflow | Vantage Analyst - Editing a Workflow - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
May 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Applications
If a workflow is used as a sub-workflow, changes will affect the results of all parent workflows.

You can clone a workflow and make changes to that cloned copy to avoid impacting existing calculation models. For more information, see Cloning a Workflow.

  1. Select "" > Data preparation > Workflows.
  2. Select the workflow.
  3. Do any of the following:
    Option Steps
    Add a new node See the adding nodes step in Creating a Workflow.
    Update one of the following nodes (updates made in the properties panel):
    • Workflow
    • SQL
    • Notify
    • Branch
    • Merge
    • Set Variable
    • Macro
    • Stored procedure
    1. Select the node in the canvas.
    2. Update the fields in the properties panel.

      Field information is defined in Creating a Workflow.

    Update one of the following nodes (updates can be made in the properties panel and Rules):
    • Rule (insert)
    • Rule (select)
    1. Select the node in the canvas.
    2. Update variable information as needed.

      Select Override and modify the value.

    3. Select Edit in the properties panel.

      See the updating options in Editing or Cloning a Rule.

    Update an API node (updates made in Data integrations):
    1. Select the node in the canvas.
    2. Do one of the following:
    Update an SFTP node (updates made in Data integrations):
    1. Select the node in the canvas.
    2. Do one of the following:
    Remove a node
    1. Select the node.
    2. Select Remove.
    3. Select Yes to confirm deletion.
    Change the connectors between nodes Drag a line connector from one node to another.
    Update a workflow-level variable
    1. Hover over the variable name and select "" > Edit.
    2. Update the variable information.
    3. Select Save Variable.
    Remove a workflow-level variable
    1. Hover over the variable name and select "" > Delete.
    2. Select Yes to confirm deletion.
  4. Select Save Workflow.
  5. [Optional] To execute the workflow immediately, select Execute Flow.
  6. [Optional] To view the workflow execution status, select "" > Status > Workflow status.
  7. Do any of the following to view details for a node:
    Option Action
    View the node details Select the node icon, for example, select "" .
    View the results of a node's execution Select the node title.
    Copy contents of the node's execution
    1. Select the node title.
    2. Select Copy. The content is copied to the clipboard.