Dynamic and Static Parameters - Teradata Analytic Apps - Vantage Analyst

Vantage Analyst with Machine Learning Engine User Guide

Teradata Analytic Apps
Vantage Analyst
Release Number
December 2019
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™


Use dynamic path and query parameters when you need to use different parameters for an API endpoint with each call. You can store the dynamic parameters for inbound and outbound API data integrations in a database table. When the workflow executes, the system substitutes the dynamic path and appends the query parameters to the call.

See the Request page in Creating or Editing an API Data Integration.

Store your dynamic parameter in a database table created using the following schema:
CREATE MULTISET TABLE ${databaseName}.${tableName} (
     Object_Id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
     Object_Order INTEGER,
     Param_Name VARCHAR(32000) NOT NULL,
     Param_Value VARCHAR(32000),
     Param_Type_Cd BYTEINT NOT NULL
) PRIMARY INDEX (Object_Id);
When populating the dynamic parameter table, be aware of the following:
  • Use the Object_Order to determine the order in which query parameters will be added to the call. If null, the parameter is not used.
  • The Param_Name used here must exactly match the parameter name entered on the Endpoint page when creating the API Connection. See Creating or Editing an API Connection.
  • For Param_Type_Cd, use 0 for query parameter or 1 for path parameter.

To use dynamic path parameters, add the parameter syntax to the endpoint URL when creating the API Connection. Do not add dynamic query parameters—they will automatically be appended to the endpoint URL when the workflow processes the data integration.

For example:.


Use static path and query parameters to include the same parameters for an API end point with each call. You can add the static path and query parameters directly to the Endpoint URL when configuring the connection used by the data integration.

For example:

When the workflow executes, the system will always include these static parameters.

See the Endpoint page in Creating or Editing an API Connection.