Stop, Deallocate, or Delete Vantage VMs | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Stopping, Deallocating, or Deleting Vantage VMs - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
April 2024
Product Category

You must stop Vantage before you stop, deallocate, or delete a Vantage VM. You do not have to stop the database if you stop, deallocate, or delete an application VM, such as Teradata Viewpoint.

By default, a VM stops after a node failure. You can configure the VM state so a VM terminates before a node failure occurs.

Stop a VM

Stop a VM from inside the virtual machine or by using an Azure CLI command, such as azure vm stop. This stops the guest operating system, but keeps the compute resources. You will continue to be charged for the VM compute resources by the hour.

Deallocate a VM

Deallocate a VM by clicking Stop in the Azure portal. You can also use an Azure CLI command, such as azure vm deallocate.

Deallocating stops the VM and releases all the compute resources so you are no longer charged for those resources. However, all persistent disks remain, such as the operating system disk and the attached data disks. When you deallocate a VM, the data on the temporary/ephemeral local SSD is lost and cannot be recovered. If you plan to restart the VM in the future, you do not need to revoke the Vantage license before deallocating the VM.

Delete a VM

Delete a VM or its associated resource group using the Azure portal or an Azure CLI command, such as azure vm delete. If you delete its associated resource group, then you also delete the storage account that contains all persistent disks (including the operating system disk and the attached data disks). If you delete only the VM, the disks remain in storage and can be attached to another VM that is created in the same region.