Follow this procedure if you are using public IP or public DNS addresses to log onto a VM.
- From the SSH client console, log in to the VM using the same authentication type you chose either when you deployed the VM using the solution template or the single VM from an image.
Authentication type Action SSH public key Enter the following: # ssh -i ssh-private-key.pem azureuser@VM-public-IP-address or VM-public-DNS-address
where:- The ssh-private-key is the private key file (.pem) specified when you deployed the VM.
- The azureuser is the user name specified when you deployed the VM.
- The VM-public-IP-address or VM-public-DNS-address is the DNS host name or public IP address of the VM.
Password Enter the following: # ssh azureuser@VM-public-IP-address or VM-public-DNS-address Password: password
where:- The azureuser is the user name specified when you deployed the VM.
- The VM-public-IP-address or VM-public-DNS-address is the DNS host name or public IP address of the VM.
- The password is the password specified when you deployed the VM.