Storage Type Characteristics | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Storage Type Characteristics - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
April 2024
Product Category
Capacity values indicated by the outlined storage configurations represent raw disk capacity. Database and availability overhead factors significantly reduce capacity for data storage.

See Azure Documentation Center.

Storage Type Storage Duration Storage Media Considerations and Use Cases
Local Temporary VM-resident SSD Supported only by Vantage, and best suited for test or development environments or use cases where performance takes priority over data persistence.
  • Provides the lowest reliability among the storage options.
  • Offers only temporary data storage that requires a running VM.
  • Leads to data loss in the event of shutdown (init 0), node hang, machine check (hardware fault such as a double bit memory error), VM stoppage, or VM termination.
    Data loss does not occur with certain node events, such as a reboot (init 6) or node panic (sometimes referred to as an oops event). An oops event causes a memory dump and then the node is rebooted.
  • Offers the highest performance among the storage options.
  • Costs more per GB than the other storage options.
Premium Persistent Network-attached SSD Best suited for production environments or use cases where data persistence takes priority over performance.
  • Provides the highest reliability among the storage options.
  • Offers data persistence independent of a running VM.
  • Allows shutdown of a VM between sessions to reduce costs.
  • Provides lower performance compared to local storage.
  • Costs less per GB than local storage.
Blob Persistent Network-attached HDD Suitable for test, development, or production environments.
  • Stores data as unstructured block blobs.
  • Provides the durability, availability, and scalability of premium storage at a reduced price.
  • Offers tier options to lower storage costs for less frequently accessed data (cool tier) or to lower access costs for more frequently accessed data (hot tier).
  • For optimal speeds, configure four Azure Blob containers per media server with six storage units.
  • Using Teradata Access Module for Azure with TPT, load and export between Azure Blob and Vantage.
  • Using Teradata DSC, back up and restore between Azure Blob and Vantage.
  • Using a Teradata QueryGrid Hive connector, query data in Hadoop after configuring a Hadoop distribution.