Configure QueryGrid Manager | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Configuring QueryGrid Manager - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
June 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
After deploying a QueryGrid Manager VM, you must configure the software and deploy QueryGrid connectors. You can contact Teradata to purchase QueryGrid connectors.
We recommend contacting Teradata to assist with configuring the QueryGrid connectors. Contact your Teradata account team or go to

The time zone for a QueryGrid Manager VM is UTC and cannot be changed.

  1. From the Azure portal, note the private IP Address, public IP Address or the public DNS of the QueryGrid Manager VM.
  2. Log on to the VM using the authentication type you chose when deploying the VM.
  3. Switch to the root user environment.
    # sudo su -
  4. Add the user to the QueryGrid Manager user group to prevent permissions errors.
    # sudo usermod -A tdqgm azureuser
  5. Reset the default viewpoint and support passwords:
    # /opt/teradata/tdqgm/bin/
  6. [Optional] Change the private IP address to public IP address.
    By default, a QueryGrid Manager VM uses a private IP address, used by QueryGrid-attached nodes and other QueryGrid Manager VMs to access it.
    1. Open the properties file: /etc/opt/teradata/tdqgm/
    2. Modify the value of publicAddress with the public IP or DNS to be used.
    3. Restart the QueryGrid Manager VM.
  7. If you deployed multiple QueryGrid Manager VMs for high availability and used SSH for authentication, you must provide the SSH private key when clustering them.
    Follow the instructions in Teradata® QueryGrid™ Installation and User Guide, using the following option with the command:
    -k,--ssh-key-file filename
  8. Deploy the desired QueryGrid connectors.
    For instructions, see Teradata® QueryGrid™ Installation and User Guide.
    QueryGrid Image Obtaining Connectors
    Teradata QueryGrid Manager Contact Teradata to purchase QueryGrid connectors