PrerequisiteThis procedure assumes you have PuTTY and the PuTTY Key Generator (PuTTYgen) installed.
- From the Azure portal, select the VM.
- Record the public IP of the VM to which you want to connect.
- Convert your *.pem file to a *.ppk file.
- Run PuTTYgen.
- Select .
- Select the *.pem file that was created when you deployed the VM, and click Open.
- At Actions, select Save private key, and save your key in *.ppk format.
- From your desktop, run PuTTY.
- Under Category, select Session.
- At Host Name, enter the public IP address you previously recorded.
- At Port, enter 22.
- Under Category again, select .
- At Private key file for authentication, click Browse and navigate to the *.ppk file you created.
- Click Open and log in with the user name specified when you deployed the VM, which may or may not be azureuser.