Configure SecureCRT for Vantage Connections | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Configuring SecureCRT - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
April 2024
Product Category
PrerequisiteThis procedure assumes you have SecureCRT installed. For information on how to create SSH keys, see Azure Documentation Center.
  1. From the Azure portal, select the VM.
  2. Record the public IP of the VM to which you want to connect.
  3. Run SecureCRT.
  4. On the Session Manager, click "" to start a new session.
    You can also press Alt+N.
    The New Session Wizard opens.
  5. At SecureCRT protocol, select SSH2, and click Next.
  6. At Hostname, enter the public IP address you previously recorded.
  7. At Port, enter 22.
  8. At Username, enter the user name specified when you deployed the VM, which may or may not be azureuser, and click Next.
  9. At SecureFX protocol, select SFTP, and click Next.
  10. At Session name, type a name for the session, and click Finish.
    The New Session Wizard closes.
  11. In the Session Manager, right-click on the new session you just created, and select Properties.
  12. Under Category, select SSH2 to display the SSH2 options.
  13. At Authentication, select PublicKey, and click Properties.
    The Public Key Properties window opens.
  14. Select Use global public key setting.
  15. Select Use identity or certificate file, and browse to the *.pem file that was created when you deployed the VM.
  16. Click OK to return to the SSH2 settings.
  17. At Key exchange, select every line that contains diffie-hellman, and click OK.
    Diffie-Hellman is a method of securely exchanging keys over a public channel.
  18. Back on the Session Manager, double-click your session to connect to your VM.