Deploy Viewpoint | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Deploying a Viewpoint VM from an Image - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
April 2024
Product Category
  1. Log in to the Azure Marketplace and search for Teradata Viewpoint.
  2. Select one of the following results, then click Get it now > Continue:
    Software Description
    Teradata Viewpoint (Multiple Systems) Available for individual purchase.
    Teradata Viewpoint DIY Included with Vantage purchase.
  3. In the listing, click Create.
  4. On the Basics tab, configure the basic settings.
    Parameter Action
    Subscription Select your subscription.
    Resource group Select one of the following:
    • Create new and enter a name for the resource group.
    • Use existing and select an empty existing resource group.
    Virtual machine name Enter an identifier and hostname for the VM.
    Region Select an Azure region to deploy the VM.

    Not all VM sizes are available in all regions.

    Availability options Select an option for managing availability and resiliency for your applications. You can architect your solution to use replicated VMs in Availability Zones or Availability Sets to protect your applications and data from data center outages and maintenance events.
    Image Select the base operating system or application for the VM.
    Size Select a VM size.

    Prices include only Azure infrastructure costs and any discounts for the subscription and location. Prices do not include any applicable software costs. Recommended sizes are determined by the publisher of the selected image based on hardware and software requirements.

    Authentication type Select an authentication method:
    For security reasons, we recommend an SSH public key.
    Enter a password of at least 12 characters, using at least 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character. Enter the password again to confirm.
    SSH public key
    Copy and paste an Open SSH public key which can be generated with tools such as PuTTY or SecureCRT.
  5. Click Next : Disks >.
  6. On the Disks tab, you can configure and attach additional data disks to your VM.
    Parameter Action
    OS disk type Select one of the following options:
    • Premium SSD: Offers high performance, low-latency disk support for I/O-intensive applications and production workloads.
    • Standard SSD: Offers a cost-effective storage option optimized for workloads that need consistent performance at lower IOPS levels.
    • Standard HDD: Offers a low-cost option for development and testing scenarios and less critical workloads.
    Use managed disks Select No or Yes.

    For the best performance, reliability, scalability, and access control, we recommend using Azure managed disks for most VM configurations. Use unmanaged disks if you need to support certain classic scenarios or want to manage disk VHDs in your own storage account.

  7. Click Next : Networking >.
  8. On the Networking tab, configure the network connectivity for your VM.
    Parameter Action
    Virtual network Select the virtual network that was created when the database was deployed.

    If you are using VNet peering, you can create a new virtual network.

    Subnet Select the subnet (vmsubnet) that was created when the database was deployed.

    If you are using VNet peering, you can create a new subnet.

    Public IP Do one of the following:
    • Create a new public IP address.
    • Select an existing public IP address.
    • Select None to not assign a public IP address to the VM. Instead access the VM using another jump box VM in the same VNet or through a VPN.

    If using a public IP address, review the NSG rules to lock down access to only known source IP ranges.

    NIC network security group Do one of the following:
    • Select None to not associate a network security group to the VM.
    • Select Basic to allow and select public inbound ports.
    • Select Advanced to configure, or create a new, network security group.
    Accelerated networking Select On to enable low latency and high throughput on the network interface.
    Place this virtual machine behind an existing load balancing solution? Select Yes or No.
  9. Click Next : Management >.
  10. On the Management tab, configure management and monitoring options for your VM.
    Parameter Action
    Boot diagnostics Select On to capture serial console output and screenshots of the VM running on a host to help diagnose startup issues.
    OS guest diagnostics Select On to receive metrics every minute for your VM, which you can use to create alerts and stay informed on your applications.
    Diagnostics storage account Select a storage account to which you store metrics for analyzing with your own tools.
    System assigned managed identity Select On to enable Azure resources to authenticate to cloud services (like Azure Key Vault) without storing credentials in code. When enabled, all necessary permissions can be granted through Azure role-based access controls.

    Each resource (for example, VM) can have only one system-assigned managed identity.

    Enable auto-shutdown Select On to configure the VM to automatically shut down daily.
  11. Click Next : Guest config >.
  12. On the Guest config tab, you can add agents, scripts, or applications through VM extensions or cloud-init.
    Parameter Action
    Extensions Select an extension to install new features, like configuration management or antivirus protection, to your VM.

    Extensions provide post-deployment configuration and automation.

  13. Click Next : Tags >.
  14. On the Tags tab, you can create name and value pairs to categorize resources and view consolidated billing.
  15. Click Next : Review + create >.
  16. On the Review + create tab, review your product details, terms, and settings, and then click Create.
    This process takes approximately 15 minutes depending on your configuration and the availability of resources in your region.
    Trying to SSH into the VM might cause the creation of the VM to fail. Do not try to SSH into the VM until either you get confirmation the VM has been created or you receive a failure notification.
  17. To monitor the VM creation progress, do the following from the Azure portal:
    1. Click "" to see notifications to determine if the deployment has started.
      Notifications send alerts only if you have set them prior to starting the deployment.
      Under Operation details, a blue status symbol appears in the first column next to each resource to indicate the deployment process is continuing.
    2. Click "" located at the top of the right pane to refresh the pane.
      Under Operation details, the blue status symbol changes to a green check mark in the first column next to each resource to indicate the deployment process finished.
    3. Under Summary, when the STATUS displays Succeeded, the VM has been created.
PostrequisiteComplete the applicable procedures under Configuring Viewpoint.