Teradata Vantage on Azure China | Teradata VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) - Teradata Vantage on Azure China - Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure

VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure (DIY) Installation and Administration Guide - 2.4

Teradata® VantageCloud Enterprise on Azure
Release Number
June 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category

Teradata Vantage DIY on Azure China includes new SQLE with Native Object Store capability, enabling you to bring the power of Vantage Analytics Library to modern data lakes.

Native Object Store is built right into our Analytics Database enabling users to explore JSON, CSV, and Parquet formatted data sets stored in Azure Blob or Azure Data Lake Gen 2 using familiar Teradata SQL. Additionally, Native Object Store allows you to easily copy data from Teradata tables directly to Azure Blob or Azure Data Lake Gen 2 in Parquet format.

Teradata Vantage DIY on Azure China support for Esv4 instance types along with higher number of AMPs support.

In addition, Teradata supports proxy with an existing virtual network, which provides an additional layer of security and allows you to control traffic over vantage cluster.

The new features introduced as part of DIY release includes: Variable AMPs, WM-COD, R/STO/python in DB, 128 node support and Database SQLE - 17.20.

New Features Description
Variable AMPs You will have the flexibility to change the number of sub-pools per node and AMPs per sub-pools based on performance requirements
R/STO/python in DB The free, downloadable client Python library (teradataml) and the “R” library (tdplyr) enable users to access business data and transform it into data frames.
128 node support You can now deploy up to 128 nodes in the Azure DIY environment. You would have to contact Teradata support to get help in case there is a requirement of deploying more than 32 nodes on Azure.
Database SQLE - 17.20 New DB features and performance enhancements.
Teradata Vantage on Azure China (DIY) does not include the Machine Learning and Graph Engines.