Scale Out Issues
Scaling out from 4 to 5, 6 or 7 does not work When AMPS per subpool value is 5. If performed, the system will be rolled back to previous stable state.
If you need to scale out to 5 nodes when AMPS per subpool value is 5, follow the steps to upgrade tdc-azure-all rpm:
- Download the tdc upgrade bundle from artifactory:
- Untar the bundle and extract only tdc-azure-all-11.0.6-
- If vconfig.original is not already present under /etc/opt/teradata/tdconfig/, then take the backup of vconfig.txt as vconfig.original file.
- cp /etc/opt/teradata/tdconfig/vconfig.txt /etc/opt/teradata/tdconfig/vconfig.original
- pcl -send /etc/opt/teradata/tdconfig/vconfig.original /etc/opt/teradata/tdconfig/
- Download latest rpm to all Database nodes, under /home/azureuser/ directory
- Validate the current rpm version installed on the site using rpm -qa|grep tdc-azure-all
- Install the rpm: pcl -s rpm --force -Uvh /home/azureuser/tdc-azure-all-11.0.6-
- Check for the updated version: pcl -s rpm -qa|grep tdc-azure-all
- Run the command tdc-feature-init
- Run the command to Update HSN Nodes, only if HSNs are available tdc-hot-standby update.