To fully restore a local storage VM after a node failure, you can run a script to rebuild the AMPs. Until the AMPs are rebuilt, data is maintained in Fallback rows on the other AMPs.
For assistance, contact Teradata Customer Support.
- At the command prompt, enter one of the following commands to start the script.
- For interactive mode, enter tdc-rebuild.
- For non-interactive mode, enter tdc-rebuild -w.
- Enter the Vantage dbc password and press Enter.The script lists the AMPs that will be rebuilt, as shown in this example:
FATAL AMPs are: AMP NodeId Cluster State ---- ------ ------- ------- 0 1-01 0 FATAL** 1 1-01 1 FATAL** 2 1-01 2 FATAL** 3 1-01 3 FATAL**
- When prompted to rebuild the AMPs, enter one of the following:
- y to continue with the rebuild process.
- n to stop the process and not alter the database.
Rebuild these AMPs? (Y/N): y *** Stopping Teradata to initialize pdisks --- Initialized pdisk /dev/pdisk/dsk0 --- Initialized pdisk /dev/pdisk/dsk1 --- Initialized pdisk /dev/pdisk/dsk2 --- Initialized pdisk /dev/pdisk/dsk3 *** Restarting Teradata to contine after initializing pdisks --- Booting FATAL AMPs --- Initiating AMP rebuilds 17:22:07 Background rebuild started, log into LOGAMP_0 17:22:07 Background rebuild started, log into LOGAMP_1 17:22:07 Background rebuild started, log into LOGAMP_2 17:22:07 Background rebuild started, log into LOGAMP_3 --- Rebuilds running Wait for rebuilds complete? (Y/N): n #
- If running in interactive mode, enter one of the following when prompted whether to wait for the rebuilds to complete:
Option Actions To finish the rebuild without further interaction - Enter y.
To finish the rebuild based on your continued input - Enter n.
The script displays progress messages and then stops.
- Enter # tdc-rebuild to restart the script.
- Enter the Vantage dbc password and press Enter.
- Repeat the preceding two sub-steps each time the script stops until the rebuild finishes.
The following output indicates the rebuild is complete.
--- AMP rebuilds completed *** Restarting Teradata to set rebuilt AMPs online --- Rebuild complete